Dirk van Dooren

Good comment.

This article is way, way too long.

Why don’t you just march in one of our marches? It will change your life. I welcome you to join us.

So now you are trying to limb shame me but guess what? I have two arms.

Being rich doesn’t mean you act like it. You’re literally being prejudiced against me right now. That’s why I march for BLM. I am extending an open arm to join us. Please consider.

We will see what the Supreme Court has to say about that.

If people across the globe do not have access to the types of safety nets that we do here it is our humanitarian duty to put that net under them.

Right when I was about to comment on how lit her hair is I realize it’s a huge dye-job. Why lighten your hair like that? The frizz and volume is au natural, so why color it? Confusing. Downvoted.

Just because I love an obscure sport that not many people know about doesn’t mean that I’m the private school villain you clearly want me to be. And even if I did go to private school that doesn’t mean that I’m that type. Even though I really think Bernie screwed this country and gave us Trump I still have a few


You DSA Bernie posers need to wise up and realize that your ultra far left Antifa garbage doesn’t play in Flyover Country where we need votes. Stop what you are doing immediately and support people who can actually win like Terry McAuliffe.

Ok, so I have read through both of your comments and this is why Bernie-style feminism has to go. Black Lives Matters recognized early on that Bernie was not for them, despite his bloviating, yet Bernie-style feminists still use his talking points against Clinton allies like Rahm, Obama, and Pelosi.

Hi, I’m Rob and I live in NYC and don’t know that powerful people can affect things long after their official title has been removed. I spend my day gardening and commenting on Facebook on my iPhone. I love cats and count them among my best friends.

Must not have been a very serious club.

1) Speed skating is not some hoity toity, zero risk sport like sailing or polo. You clearly have never tried it. We go very, very fast.

Progress is a tough and necessary road that we all must travel down together. One for all.

Found the Bernie Bro. No coincidence your avatar is a white guy lighting a cigar with a hundred dollar bill.

That had more to do with Dick Cheney than Rahm. You would know this if you were old enough at the time to witness it first hand. You Gen Zers need to educate yourselves.

I don’t know. It’s tough for me to make heads or tails of your comment, not least because you obfuscate the issue of the Iraq War, something I care deeply about, with Rahm.

Sorry, once you open up Pandora’s bag there is no putting the genie back in.