Dirk van Dooren

Oh, I am very critical of the left as well. Don’t get me started. I am a centrist that supported Hillary Clinton for POTUS and am absolutely DISGUSTED with how Bernie conducted himself after he lost fair and square in the primaries.

NAFTA has been a gigantic success story for Mexico and Canada, so I’m not sure exactly what your issue is there.

Much is made about Chrissy Tiegen having a bloated alcohol face but I honestly don’t see it. Her wit and political opinion make up for whatever she lacks in appearances.

I didn’t know they had internet in Flyover Country.

Correct. I have experience with adults who sexually harass women and that includes many 9 year olds.

No offense but if you’re not already into speed skating we do not need you. This isn’t a corporate sellout sport like football or basketball. This is an acquired taste and a few select people really enjoy it, including me. We do not need a bunch of fakers and posers diluting the intensity of the fanbase that already

POCs commit sexual abuse at a rate of less than 1/7th of non POCs. This is evident in Europe, specifically Sweden, and you should really educate yourself before spreading these vicious lies.

This is why I rarely visit Deadspin. You jocks have no idea what your talking about.

This is so important.

Prove it.

I can’t tell whether this is a serious article or not.

Yeah so those rape epidemics you’re talking about not only are not real and totally made up, they’re actually just an imported cultural experience from distant, more diverse lands. What, are you against diversity? Hmmm....

Interesting that you wouldn’t want to accept 5 billion sick, starving, unskilled immigrants.

It’s good to see I’m back? You just said Beetlejuice three times my friend.

You knew it but some outside force prevented you from saying so!

Goodbye America. I’m actually leaving now. Enough is enough.

Not too late to try a softer version of communism. We now have the appropriate infrastructure for it and wouldn’t need as much forced labor.

Every single comment of yours proves otherwise.

Just because this one article is about someone from Sudan does not mean that this topic is mainly about Hispanic Undocumented Americans.

Actually, I simply value the ideals set forth in the poem on the Statue of Liberty. That is the America I still know. That is the America we all used to understand. That is the America that we now need to fight for, tooth and nail. They will never defeat us because we are on the side of the just, the good, and the