Dirk van Dooren

That is why I am now calling for European Soccer to come to America. It’s a win-win for everyone.

You are performatively against racism, and genuinely transphobic.

Not all of those 1147 African Americans were killed by police though, so your point is ridiculous and absurd.

If you don’t care about being performative vs genuine, sure.

I’m sorry. I think we’re on the same side here but you really need to, maybe, umm not immediately change the topic on the first reply?

Am I new to this world?

If you’re not black then you have no right to call anyone else a racist. QED. Check F*cking MATE.

Read it and weep.

No. I have much better uses of my time than catering to a blatant transphobe.

Then you must be living in a gated community under a rock because trans people are the most oppressed people out there right now.

You think there’s nothing to indicate that you’re black in what you were saying but that’s only because you can’t see your own transphobia.

This is not the America I signed up for.

The point is that US SOCCER blew it. European soccer is what we need here. It’s the best sport available. I’ve been watching European soccer for years now and it’s just so much better than the MLS. Like night and day. Doesn’t even compare.

This isn’t true at all. A lot of pro choice people are pro choice because they think that most abortions happen in low income areas and they say they don’t want to have to pay for someone else’s “mistake.” Calling a kid a mistake just because you don’t want to pay like ten pennies a year? It’s so horrible. But anyway

That’s a good point. Another good point that the article failed to mention is the damage backflip does to the ice. Unlike axles, which have kind of a side-swiping, screwdiver effect on the ice, backflips take uneven chunks out of the surface. This creates a disadvantage for anyone performing after the backflipper.

Then why are you being so tedious about NEDD’s correct point?

Ok, well I’m only assuming your black because of what you’re saying, not how you’re saying it. So again you’re wrong.

Hi! Thanks for chiming in. But no you’re getting me all wrong.

Ok, I get what you saying, however... you are wrong.

“In America, I would venture the guest that it is easier/safer STILL to be transgender than it is to be black.”