Dirk van Dooren

“Again, the actual policy platform followed by BLM explicitly advocates for trans rights.” 

Whatever makes you feel better Katie Hopkins.

Yeah that clarifies but it also sounds pretty made up.

Ok well you have a really misleading avatar then. I guess you are supposed to be Katie Hopkins. I should have figured - you sound just like her.

First of all, you are transphobic if I am racist. And I’m not going to get sucked into a conversation about which is worse. I’m pretty sure I know your stance... :/

If you have the means to acquire an ID or whatever else you need to vote you are definitely wealthier than 85% of the global population.

Michelle and Barack Obama are true wonders of humanity. These paintings DO NOT do them justice. They can and should be redone.

You are so committed to not having dialogue with trans allies it’s literally scary.

I didn’t say black people alone though did I? No, I didn’t. I said the Black Lives Matters Community and I also said black people but that doesn’t mean I mean them alone, ok? The queer femmes have apparently abandoned us if that Katie girl is any indication. Lots of people have. The Bis have. The Lesbians have. The

Anyone living in the US should have the right to vote. Our representatives affect ALL OF US. Not just the wealthy citizen voter bases.

oK? You’re making me feel like I’m missing something but I’m not.

So... queer femmes are taking sides now. Great. Good look [not really].

Of course, but the mountain they must climb to do so is not nearly as tall, not nearly as steep as that which women must climb to “daredevil.” I intended all of those puns too.

Yeah, I know. Thanks for pointing out something that you all don’t seem to care about though. We not looking for lip service here, ok?

1) Yes, there was a Trans Community in the 50s.

So we’re on the same side and agree that the Black Lives Matters Community needs to be doing more for Trans Equality. Thanks for standing up. We see you and we need you.

Bostonian here! This one can be pinned on Marty Walsh. He talks a big game but he’s always been in bed with some seriously bad folks that keep Boston, well, racist.

The GOP is literally trying to purge the voter rolls of anyone who doesn’t vote for them. This is unconstitutional and needs to end. I smell a SCOTUS fight. Russia will not destroy our democracy. We will win.

Always strange to me how Woody Allen gets lambasted for having consensual relationships based on love.

Excuse me? You better check yourself. You are literally arguing against Trans Equality. Huh... wonder why.