DM Trump: “You enter the yuge room. Roll for save.”
DM Trump: “You enter the yuge room. Roll for save.”
Somebody saw Captain America: Civil War and thought those trigger words Hydra used to activate Bucky/Winter Soldier was hella cool.
After receiving a signal that “the urines were ready,” the young girl took her place in front of R. Kelly and closed her eyes.
It seems that for partner violence, there is no middle area. There’s either “It’s not a big deal” (thankfully, this minority is becoming less and less vocal) or “Fuck this guy forever” (an opinion that has been empowered to celebrate a call for social/professional exile). Any opinion in the middle makes you seem like…
When you say things like “free shit” re: Bernie you’re basically saying “i have absolutely no idea what i’m talking about”
It’s important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That’s why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.
Exactly. As the Democrats have shifted further and further to the right to pander to largely mythical fence-sitters, I’ve been getting more and more disgusted with the party. And Clinton supporters, apparently still angry over her entirely justified defeat in the 2008 primary, are doing everything they possibly can to…
I love it that you think this is some sort of new low in civility.
If you think that's funny, you should see Trump try and palm a basketball.
“I’m most afraid of the same as the last four years. Nothing in life is free, and that’s what really needs to be fixed here and in the whole country. The people are living off the system. The people that are coming in and we’re helping out more than we’re helping out our own. And school has to be fixed, we’re paying…
can I see hands of people bothered mostly with the sentence structure here? Trump doesn’t remind you of the Kim Kardashian of are saying Trump IS the Kim Kardashian of politics...
It’s expensive to be poor. Rushcard is proving that and then some.
Also, don’t we have enough statistics now that even NFL coaches know to just go for it on 4th and short?
“Those bastards in Bristol are ruining everything,” Palin continued. “I’ll be babysitting every weekend ‘til I’m fucking 75 years old at this rate.”
“Now...where was I on the ESPN thing....oh right, Curt Schilling...”