
You are not allowed to pick up the ball with your hands if it was passed to you by a teammate using their legs/feet. If they head it back to you, for instance, you can then use your hands.

Absolutely zero chance he won round one. He threw, what, six punches? All part of the strategy, I know, but not a chance he won that round on any card.

someone who can’t possibly begin to grasp what the movement is actually about, or why so many people are offended and willing to march in the streets.

What tangible effect have you felt in the past 7 months that is directly related to the policies of the current president?

He’s not wrong. *shrug*

Has the league contracted since then and I wasn’t made aware?

One solution is to not get your precious little panties in a wad over shit that you probably were happy to overlook for the last 8 years.

It’s not breaking the rules, it’s accepting the punishment. No different than fouling a guy who has a wide open layup or giving up a penalty shot on a breakaway in hockey. The onus is on the other team to maximize the effect of the punishment.

It was something like a 2 point game at that point. There was plenty to be positive about at the moment.

Seems like a good argument for putting a bullet in them and being done with it.

Just to be clear, you do know those are two different songs, right?

Lots of irrational, out-of-touch folks here (yourself included) that, if they aren’t careful, might end up accidentally getting Trump re-elected.

You should be pleased with this deal. The Mavs aren’t likely to lose the pick this year, they got the inside track on a good young talent, and only really gave up a player that lost his minutes to Dorian Finney-Smith. This doesn’t really change this year’s status all that much considering the terrible start to the

Serious question. What rights are these women protesting for that they are currently being denied?

Trump voter here and you can rest assured my feelings aren’t hurt. It was the whiny bitches always crying about their hurt feelings that partially lead to the dismal choice between Hillary and Trump. Project all you want about why you think Trump won, but you clearly still haven’t a clue.

Well, she said that half of his supporters were deplorable and if the “actual deplorables” were as small of a group as you suggested, then she must have been calling people from groups 1 or 2 deplorable as well.

Irrelevant when the rules from the beginning are that the election is decided by electoral votes.

Do you think all voters that lean republican in California were accurately represented in the popular vote? How about all voters that lean democrat in Texas?

You want it based on popular vote? Fine, but don’t pretend that

Good that you are willing/able to see the severe flaws with the DNC. They gave democratic voters very few options, then stacked the deck against the only one actually threatened their anointed Hillary. Trump and the Republicans suck in a lot of ways, but their primary process at least included a lot of choices and

One sure-fire way to show that you don’t know what “free trade” means is to advocate it only if it is heavily regulated.

The more I read these nonsense “the end is nigh” articles that are drenched with triggered SJW ultra-lib tears, the more clarity I have around why he won (hint: it wasn’t because everyone is racist). Hillary was the only candidate that could have given Trump a chance at winning; whiny, overreacting,