
I like how your proof that motherhood isn’t a demanding, important job is that it can’t be because women have been doing it for years. Honestly, it’s kind of amazing how completely you’ve internalized the devaluation of the work women do in the domestic sphere.

Unfortunately this mom seems to be missing out some of the points in this movie. While most of you will agree that being a mom is a “basic” job but difficult at the same time let me see this. Mila Kunis character complains that her job as a mom is a lot to do in a small amount of time, ESPECIALLY having a job to go to

I do not understand what point you are trying to make. At first you say that motherhood is a basic-ass job, then you tell a story about how shitty a friend of yours life is since becoming a mom. Which is it?

I dunno I think maybe you are missing the point. They aren’t actually supposed to be bad moms. They are just tired of being held to too high of a standard. And the sanctimommies are real and they will criticize anything you do. The idea of giving in to what works and what is fun to be a “bad mom” isn’t really giving

So... I have a different take in a general sense. Because I was actually part of a group of moms that staged a successful coup of our elementary school PTA from a band of perfect moms that ran it for about 5 years prior. For real. And in the end we turned it into a uber-successful non-profit that raised funds for

Republicans: Party of exclusion

I’ll say this for Philip Duggar: he made all those babies with the same woman. How not-NFL is that?

That was our justice system at work. Justice WAS served. Don't hate the player....

Read this.

“Mosby added that the Baltimore Police Department had not been cooperative in building her case.”


Well, one thing is for sure: no matter how much that travesty of fashion might have cost (and I kind doubt it was $12K), it’s fucking fugly just like the rest of her wardrobe. The woman simply doesn’t have a decent-looking outfit.

Too bad she is also the most corrupt and incompetent person to ever run for the Office.

Sorry this moment was wasted on such a horrible woman.

Don’t kid yourself. Chelsea Clinton has ridden the coat tales of the plutocracy just as much as Ivanka Trump. If she wanted a fashion line sewn by slave labor, it would be handed to her on a silver platter. The whole thing is stupid, but let’s not pretend that the Clintons, who have amassed a net worth of $200 million

Yup, especially a woman who openly accepts money from places like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman and Kuwait where women are STILL repressed, stoned to death and raped/killed on a daily basis because they are considered less than men.

I’m sorry little man, you must be 44" tall to troll the commentariat.

Actually you shouldn’t ban Pepe from your household. You should allow to let your children watch it. I understood it innately as a child that Pepe was a creep. It wasn’t really his smell that drove her away as much as he was a sexist, overbearing prick. In fact, I’m pretty sure that was the joke.

You are seriously overthinking. If you keep on...motherhood will be more of a trial than necessary.

I don’t care too much about either Beyoncé or Pokemon.