
Am I the only one that's not impressed? Sure the UI looks good (well different), but I don't see how this is going to garner enough support and attention to really compete with iPhone and Android? Maybe it's just me?

I'm certain EVERYone is "in talks with Hulu" about their app. I'm also certain it will be on ATV too.

@patranus: exactly, Google has enough info on me! Plus, this will be horrible if it's bombarded with Ads like YouTube is starting to have! I hate nothing more than having to close out an ad 5 times during a 3 minute clip! If the interface doesn't stay clean, it will be a disapointment. However, I can totally see

too little, too late to be an iPad killer! The iPad 2 will be released around the same time and most likely trump this offering. Screw RIM anyway! They're a freakin' Canadian company! I'll stick with supporting American companies!

@Spoony: This is my question......how can Amazon SELL a HD show for .99? Where are the complaints and "devaluing" comments from NBC and the other studios. If I were the studios, I'd rather be able to rent my show for .99. Makes not sense, unless Amazon is just eating the costs to boost it's store?

@FlameCell: How is that agreeing with NBC? I don't watch commercials with my DVR'd shows, so in this respect, NBC is getting nothing for their show. Some people are willing to pay .99 per show to download and watch their favorite show on the go. If they really like it, they'll just buy it.

@blackcat12: are you a freakin' retard? You're a consumer and you're pulling for the entertainment industry that has over-charged consumers for years and now you're bashing Apple for trying to bring cheaper shows/movies to it's customers!?! You must just be a complete Apple Hater? Go back to your hole, troll!

Of course this is almost exactly what Apple has been trying to do for the past year.....weird that Google is trying to copy Apple on a product or service! HA! Regardless, this type of service is only appealing to me on the desktop. I'm allowed to stream any music to my work computer, but it would be nice to be a

@Alduron: same reason they started dictating how much iTunes charges for newer or more popular songs and how they've made it difficult for Apple to offer any type of streaming service. They are just greedy bastards that are clueless about what the consumers want and how technology affects them!

@Kiamat: You're an idiot! Zune and Last.Fm are far from anything I would every consider a social network. I guess you'd call Xbox Live a true social network? Come on. No one even owns a Zune and I'm not trying to use any music service as a way to socially interact. Hell, most of my friends don't even have the

@lucasway89: I don't know why you would think otherwise. I have my own ripped content loaded into my iTunes library and it streams to my current AppleTV perfectly.

One more step for the Obama administration destroying America. B.O. is an ass-clown! He's totally disconnected with America. I can't wait for this November and 2012!

@bluSCALE4: They will if the money is there. That's why most studios are waiting to see how it works out for Fox, Disney and ABC. I think it will work b/c people like me are sick of paying $130+ a month for 200 channels when I only watch about 10 to 15. The only way this may fail is if the Cable companies try to

@Odin: AppleTV is better b/c you don't have to have cable service to use it. I also like the Airplay feature that has tons of possibilities. Eventually, you'll be able to use any of the apps that are on your phone and stream the video of what you're doing to your TV. You won't need a Facebook app on your TV or even

@Tills13: uh how so? B/c it connects to your cable box and allows you to search your tv for content. Oh wait, my U-Verse does this already. The AppleTV already allows you to rent HD TV shows and Movies, view all of your personal media (pictures, movies, music, games, etc...), has internet radio, youtube, netflix,

@EvanSei (lord of the gerbils): Wow, if this is what sold you on GoogleTV, it doesn't take much to convince you! I don't see the WOW in this? Being able to search your entire channels is cool, but most update services (U-Verse and FIOS) can be upgraded to do these same type of searches easily. I'll stick with

I want to maximize my 50" Plasma HDTV. If I want to tweet or surf the internet or search for shows, I can use my iPad or iPhone 4 for that without this useless overlay. FAIL!

I guess someone was watching the press conference today and taking notes...........I'm sure Google will be copying and tweaking their GoogleTV now to better compete with Apple. Google, you're garbage!

@Nightwolf: I have a 360 and PS3 and neither of them provide the picture quality, sound, and UI experience of even my old AppleTV. Plus, why would anyone that doesn't want to pay $50 for a game buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 for $250 just to stream media? They take up much more space, lowder and put off more heat. I don't

@LightMage210: b/c you can buy them from your computer and stream them to your TV. Plus, it takes away the need of a hard drive, and allowed them to reduce the size and heat associated with it.