
@keithmessina: The ipad is the standard for which all tablets aim to be. Are you still harping on Flash? I haven't missed Flash in 4 years! And the iPad's web browser is superior to most desktop browsers. Just statements from a pure hater!

Airplay is the real deciding factor for me. Being able to stream video, apps, and games from my iphone or iPad to my 54" HDTV is king! Once the developers update their games to support video via airplay, you'll be able to display the game you're playing on the big screen while using your device as the controller.

Make note America! This is what Obama and his cronies are quietly trying to do with the internet "kill switch". We should never give our government the power to shut off our communication.

@Brak: YOu guys have to download and run the new Xcode beta first, plug your iPad in and then you'll have the option appear.

@unixpunkx: You have to open up the new Xcode SDK program, plug in your iPad, and click "used for developmental purposes only" pop up. Once you do this, you'll have the gesture option available in settings!

@kaffenated: How in the hell os Roku superior to the AppleTV? Ha! Just wait until 4.3 comes out and developers update their apps' audio and video to be streamed via Airplay from people's iPhones or iPads! You'll be able to play games on your TV from your iPhone or iPad! Let's see Roku do that? Oh that's right,

@Dan Taylor: Personal hotspot is in there, but you still have to have it activated by AT&T. The Airplay video works awesome!

@rebeldevil: not true. There are similar mass deaths happening all over the world. Something's up for sure!

@icfan: Yeah, you're all over it. iPad was a complete failure and doesn't fill the gap between a phone and desktop.....oh wait, that was last year's complaint. I see how that worked out! You fools just won't admit Apple released yet another innovative product that continues to be copied by manufact. that try to add

And the AppleTV rip-offs and clones keep coming. Can companies come up with their own innovative products anymore or do they all just wait for Apple to release something and then copy it? That's what has happened with the iPhone, AppleTV, and iPad! Keep it classy LG!

@Channan: theoretically, developers should be able to update their apps to take advantage of the video/audio of Airplay. However, some apps like Hulu may block the video portion similar to the way they did for GoogleTV? I can't wait to see some games that will display and run on the big screen!

@Shanfara: Amen! Who gives a fuck about the Beatles!?! I want to put my music in the cloud!!!!!

@bobthefrog1114: I agree with the guy below. If a movie is done right, 3D at home is a great experience. You can't just convert a show to 3D and expect it to wow everyone. So far I've seen Bolt, Ice Age, Monsters vs Aliens, and How to Train Your Dragon in 3D, and they all looked incredible. Definitely different

@xhedgehogx: Thinking 3D is going to die is not very smart. 3D on a mobile device may not take off, but 3D in the home adds a totally new and exciting twist to the home movie experience. I just bought a Panasonic 3D Plasma last month, and absolutely love it. The movies, effects and picture quality is truly amazing.

@jad2121: Apple will have to update the AppleTV before video will be able to be streamed.

Too bad everything else about this thing sucks. Lagging/slow UI, mobile apps look horrible on it, the screen is too small to be of any benefit over a mobile phone, etc...Nice try Samsung, but I'm not impressed.

@notMordecai: Man, someone is sucking some major Android cock! Pull it out of your mouth and just admit that this thing is a piece of junk! Droid-boys are worse than Apple Fanboys!

@rashad123us: HA! Not even close to being a resonable alternative to the iPad! Even without the multitasking update (which is due to release Friday), the iPad is far superior when it comes to the UI, specific available Apps, and size. If I was looking for something more portable, I would just stick with my

Please keep your political agenda to yourselves! This is the one place I go where I don't have to read about shitty politics. Republicans and Democrats are both crooks! Stick to what you know guys!