
@bhenne22: I was wondering the same. I've already ordered the new model, but I would like to be able to move my old AppleTV to another TV in my house? I wonder if I'll be able to use Airplay to stream Hulu Plus and other App content like Vevo onto my TV via my iPad? If so, bye-bye cable TV!

@Guard: Not true! I rip DVD's and other content now and can view all of it via Apple TV on my TV

@UmbertoAqualung: You can't watch first-run or the majority of the most popular movies and TV shows via Netflix's 'Watch Instantly' service via your integrated TV, Xbox 360, PS3, etc....That's why this is appealing. If you want to see a new released movie or TV show on a whim, you can watch it in HD for $4.99/$.99.

@NyQuil012: You can keep your $10/month Hulu Plus or Free Hulu and commercials. I'll just stream the shows I really want to see or buy the season and stream it to my TV. Apple can't get everyone on board b/c of the big conglomerates that are in control. NBC isn't going to help Apple have a great service while

@MSgtSimon: the majority of HD content on TV is 720p. Very rarely is it broadcast in 1080p. This is what Apple currently uses and the picture and sound look great on my 50" HDTV. Come back off the ledge!

@thiagohf113: You just lost all of your credibility! Apple has the best customer service and product quality in the entire industry. For you to bash them b/c of your isolated iPod Touch experience is irresponsible. People like Apple's eco-system b/c it's reliable, user friendly, and they have quality products and

@ConceptVBS: Clueless! Apple doesn't need a TV maker like Samsung to be successful. They've already redefined the digital music distribution and computing worlds. All they need is a screen and cooperation from the TV and Movie Studios. I can promise you Samsung won't ever be able to negotiate with those folks.

@Live N Learn: one reason, you can't stream new release movies or tv shows via Netflix's streaming service. You'd have to still rely on getting them by mail. This is where Apple could still compete. They can offer new release movies and shows the day they come out. By integrating Netflix, they keep customers that

@techynottreky: You fail to mention the lack of up-to-date or quality movies available on Netflix's "Watch Instantly" service due to the studios prohibiting new releases to be made available for a subscription streaming. If Apple can integrate this along with it's current new movies and TV shows rentals, then it

@Kommandant45: not true. There are already a few apps that do this on the iPhone. It's a neat concept and fun to play with, but it's more playful than practical!

Android may be the largest OS platform, but that doesn't make it the best. However, it can clearly brag about being the most fragmented OS. I'll stick with the iPhone. I'll admit that some of the Droid phones look cool, but my iPhone still wins as the overall multi-media darling. I played around with my friends

@Jesse Scroggins: They need some type of indicator with your contacts that let's you know who has an iPhone 4 or iChat compatible device and if they are online.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: I'm assuming that you can video chat with Macs or PC running iChat? That would be a welcome addition!

The ad should say "Droid X: Bulky as fuck without a case and feels like a brick in your hand."

@sweetnjoe: you correct, but I'm consistently getting 4.5 to 5.2 mbps on Charlotte HSUPA+ 3G network! That's very close to the 4G network speeds around. I had a Clear Network (Sprint) 4G hotspot and was only getting 6mbps

@SynthOno: It was 22 days and not a month. HA! Regardless, they did the correct thing....they investigated it, thoroughly tested the device, looked for solutions and held a press conference to talk about their findings. Maybe they were hoping to find a software fix or some other solution before the press

@Mrs. Stephen Fry: I rarely have any issues with signal loss. It never happens when I have good coverage or a bumper on it. Only when I have bad coverage and consistently squeeze it hard can I get it to drop bars in the bad coverage areas........but I still can't get it to drop calls. That's why I believe this is

@Guard: I have no signal loss with the bumper and can't replicate the signal loss when in bad reception areas (which was the only time I could get the signal to drop by squeezing it hard). In fact, I just tested my iPhone 4 this morning with only 4 bars and got 5.5 mbps down and 1.2 mbps up! That's extremely fast

@kasualbrotha: I don't blame Apple. Consumers act like this is an Apple-Only problem and trying to bash the company b/c of it. I just saw a YouTube video of a guy's brand new Nokia phone that did the exact same thing. Like others have stated, it only seems to happen in areas with bad coverage. I can replicate the

@gebinsk: 95% of the iPhone 4's that I've seen lose signal require adeliberate, consistent pressure in the exact area. The "one finger" touching seems like an isolated example. Also, I don't know anyone that holds their phones in a consistent manner that is required to duplicate the signal loss. I love my iPhone 4.