If you read James Ellroy (oh dear, I have to now admit how much of my understanding of recent American history is based on a lurid fictionalist*!) then this stuff goes back much further than that.
They’ve also spent years making the point that government is incompetent, nothing can be done more badly than a thing that is done by government, where government and government is not actively corrupt they are slack-jawed idiots put in place by nepotism or affirmative action of something...
Or go with the natty silver shirts of The Silver Legion!
Economic anxiety, innit?
But Ryan and his lot need voters.
Didn’t Peter the Great torture his own son to death?
That’s him. No reason not to share his identity. . .
A hacker (very white hat, anti-ISIS) on Twitter has made the point that 2005 is the key year in filing tax returns for Melania’s citizenship application:
A lot of propoganda went around on Facebook before the vote (I left Facebook as a result of Brexit - among other reasons) about Syrian refugees being allowed into Germany and thus having the right to live anywhere in the EU and thus (but of course!) all moving to the UK. All this attached to lots of stuff about…
He’ll probably tweet something inflamatory this morning if the pattern is right.
Yes, I don’t see how they have any choice but to publish it if someone comes to them with it.
You misspelled “human colostomy bag” there, my friend.
The Kurds are also closing in on Raqqa.
I’d love to see what civilisation Steve King has personally built lately.
He cut himself shaving.
There’s also an extent to which I think they’re not that bothered about this.
Christianity made the Diggers. It did not make these people.
It’s a tactic stolen from the tobacco industry, who, in a famous memo defined their “product” as “doubt” and their market as the “mass public” in an information war.
Not to jump on you, McScuseMeBitch - and your excellent comment... but I see this a lot at Jezebel: