Am I the only one tired of the Neutral: section being some form of “how are you”?
Am I the only one tired of the Neutral: section being some form of “how are you”?
What’s interesting about people who still refuse to wear masks is that so many of them seem to be otherwise sensible with both their own and others’ safety.
The issue is that the PPP should have never gone to businesses. It should have gone to consumers.
I am not in the US but 50% tips seems ridiculous unless it is shared between each staff, not just waiters.
Your post shows a complete level of misunderstanding (or you’re a troll). Hospitals stopped seeing patients for routine care. They didn’t want to expose routine patients and staff for care that wasn’t life and death. As a result of that decision, some staff was laid off. Not everyone in medical is trained and has the…
...but masks don’t protect the wearer.
Appropriate clothing is one thing. Risking foisting deadly virii on everyone nearby because you’re too lazy/vain to wear a mask is an entirely different ballgame.
How is it obscure?
So people should, what, cash out their 401Ks and give their retirement savings to ?????? And then when they’re retired and need the money they should ?????? Seriously, this is just so shortsighted; I’m so over this type of virtue signaling nonsense.
I won’t argue whether or not owning land is immoral, because everyone seems to get so riled up at the mere mention of a Marxist analysis on the subject. But it should be easily agreed upon that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable.
So, assuming “duplex” still means two units, someone buying the property with no down payment should expect to pay $4,000 per month in mortgage payments, or $2,000 per unit, according to my most conservative estimate. A 20% upcharge, since they’re (a) taking the risk of having less than 100% occupancy, (b) responsible…
which are definitely apartment complexes, correct?
“it should be easily agreed upon that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable.”
Wow, this Is stupid. So If people shouldn’t own land or buildings, what should they do? Rent forever (thereby supporting the evil villains who own the property) or just squat eternally in whatever random house they can find? How secure! Let me just roll my eyes forever at this white nonsense.
So, humor me. When did modern day airlines get shut down at this scale for an unknown amount of months? 9/11? Certainly not for months. Volcanic ash from Iceland did shut down travel to much of Europe for a few weeks a few years back but was more regional and for a shorter time.
Sure, gas is cheap now, but all the things I was going to drive to are cancelled due to COVID-19.
Just to make you feel all better, UK price? $5.71 per gallon.
Do you like cars? I do too. And Freedom. Democrats have a 1 car per family rule that I just pulled directly out of my asshole. SAD! [99% of mouth breathing yokels insanely clap and cheer]
Fuck off with the transphobia
Looks fine to me. I’m pretty sure in the comment section of every car ever there is some guy bitching about the interior, even a Bently. i SEe A DaE VW goLF kNOb!!!!!