
You phrased it exactly how i would of liked. I see it happen all the time when someone tries to do something, they get told lol no its not enough, it seems like nothing will ever be enough ever, women will always have to leap through flaming loops, being told to smile and like it too..

Boom! Roasted.

An additional bit of info: Ornella Fleury recently caused a bit of a flap by shaming a trans woman on a show, referring to her as “monsieur/madame.” It was definitely not cool. She has no interesting in punching up.

A man making a gendered joke at the expense of a women is punching down.

And in the context of that movie it was funny. This “joke” wasn’t in any such context.

Jonah hill is a power dynamic?

But to blame Nader is a weak excuse when Gore ran such a poor campaign that he lost 20 times the amount he lost by from his own party.

That’s blatantly false and completely illogical.

Because I live in a red city in a red state. They need support like this on a local level. They need major reform on the national level.

Clinton voters are the “moderate whites” that Martin Luther King warned about.

No, but we should be more concerned with limiting its power and influence.

It’s a vote for the militarism and racism that the DNC has helped prop up throughout American history. This is a fact.

I am an Arab woman born of immigrant parents. Nice of a white person to lecture me about this. Some battles need to be fought.

I do, friend. :)

2000 wasn’t swung by Nader. It was swung by the 200,000 Florida Democrats who voted for George W Bush.

You don't get to pretend that the moral highground should be silenced and not something to strive for.

Sorry that I won’t want to support a person who approves of the slaughter of innocents. Or one who supports propping up institutions instead of people who need our help.

Since it seems I’ve been dismissed as well, I’ll use this spot to drop off my more recent response to this delightful human we know as Richard Cream:

You didn’t just call them a liar. Everyone lies sometimes. You said they were lying about a very specific thing: their abuse. Unless you know Dinosaur personally, and were a witness to the incident in question, you have absolutely no excuse for this disgusting accusation.

Are you fucking kidding me? Did you really just call an abuse survivor a liar? Wow. Please realize that whatever sliver of credibility you may have had held throughout this conversation is completely gone.