Dino Ghostometrist

I'm generally inclined to agree with you, but there are some standout songs on The Orchard, like "Boy" & "Shadowcasting". But, man, the second half of that album is really forgettable.

I'm down for Crimson Doubles tonight with you or @snazzlenuts:disqus, if either of you are interested! The best I've gotten out of it so far is the Bold Red Shell for my ghost. Are you playing for real or going Romeo & Juliet on these & just farming drops by offing yourself?

It also made Barney seem really pathetic, once you knew that his horrible behavior was ostensibly a mask for crushing loneliness. I, personally, couldn't find that behavior cartoonish so much as frustratingly depressing.

Possibly more than Robin. By the end of the show, she'd become a shell of her original character. Meanwhile, TM had no blemishes & yet, still felt like a real person.

She admits as much, too! Her reaction is something along the lines of: "How could you do this to me? You lied to me, you deceived me, you manipulated me, you played me; how could I ever kiss you again? How could I ever love you again?"

The other problem was that the Mother was just so dang likable, and immediately so. The Mother sprang forth, fully-formed & well-characterized from her first appearance. It was hard not to root for her.

Yes! Seconded, as a fan of your many Stew-Bum shenanigans (including but not limited to killing as many NPCs as possible in Mass Effect).

I'm partial, but mustaches rule.

This weekend, I'm taking a break from my Destiny binge & occasional Rocket League sprints. Though both were enabled by Dino Optometrist's first ever… *drumroll* microphone headset! Here's to many future years of being called mean names by small children.

I'm level 40, light level ~250 (though I still think of myself as a kinderguardian). I haven't run it yet, but I'd love to run through VoG with you & Mummy sometime. Well, you & Monk & Mummy. Whomever is interested.

My favorite "Wait, this game isn't over yet?" mission in Red Dead Redemption was the one with keeping birds away from your grain silo. Just thrilling stuff.

I like your article on principle but won't read it since I'm not done with DA:I, myself.

Along with The Blair Witch Project, I think this movie was one of the first really big "found footage" movies to come out, though. It was shot in a pretty innovative way, and it helped jump-start the fad.

He's also the producer. Which is why it's got the same look to it as Cloverfield, Super 8, and the Star Trek movies.

Man, kids sure are dumb.

Yes! Who knows what kind of exotic orientation those three pieces were supposed to have??

I always thought Pretty. Odd. didn't get the hype it deserved. For them to have made such a weird, classics-indebted left turn after Fever was actually a pretty canny move, if an under-appreciated one.

Is that a pro or a con? On one hand, it sounds like it adds verisimilitude. On the other, if you're looking for an actual multiplayer interaction, it's light.

Whoa! That is not what I would have expected, size-wise (& yes, that is what she said). In what way have they changed since back in the day?

Yeah, that's one of the big questions in my mind regarding the touted expansiveness of No Man's Sky. Given the tiny fraction that any one player can / will experience, what's really the point? Why bother creating such a gigantic universe? If they want you to run into people, they're going to have to make it seem