Dino Ghostometrist

I mistakenly posted this into another thread, but:

How does it stack up against Pokemon classic? (Ruby / Emerald / Pearl / Plutonium / whathaveyou)

If you're on 3DS, have you tried Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? Reviews have been middling, so I can't quite tell what to expect.

Recently, in my gf's playthrough of Fallout 4, she kept dying and respawning with the Diamond City radio on. Each time she respawned, it was as if she had gone back in time, with the same song playing. Consequently, we heard Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall about 50 times. I welcomed any subsequent musical variety.

I'm a recent Destiny acolyte, myself. Granted, I'm a kinderguardian, so it's all still novel to me. But I can imagine that if you've been on that grind for some time, the well is dry. If you'll indulge my mixed metaphors.

I'm proud to report that, not only is it on SUNDAY-SUNDAY-SUNDAY, that none other than GrrrrRRRRRRAAAAVEDIGGER will be there!

My impression is that I've paid for the entire seat, but that the amount of the seat I use will be substantially less! A miniscule fraction! of the entire thing.

I'm surprised to hear that - I played through all of Borderlands 2 as a purely solo experience & loved it. Did you prefer it as a multiplayer experience?

My gf & I got through Episode 3, maybe Episode 4 of Walking Dead S1, then her computer decided it was tired & didn't want to hold onto our save-game anymore. We're trying to summon up the motivation to do it all over again.

I would always get flummoxed by that really hilly, windy road right through the middle of the map. No, GPS, that is not the quickest route!

Thank you, thank you! Lesson learned for future weeks.

Oh, crap.

Dino Optometrist flew too close to the sun. His wings were melted to ruin. He humbly rescinds the following.

The only thing I miss about going to movies with people when I go alone is that I like talking to people about the movie afterwards. But that's what the comments section is for?

Chiplash, JK Simmons' next Best Supporting Actor vehicle.

I believe that Cinerama will show it, but the question is when. Star Wars will likely be running at Cinerama for months…

Tomorrow is my 26th birthday! Happy early shared birthday, internet friend.

Inside Out got me, too! I knew it was coming, I knew what strings they were going to pull, but I couldn't stop it.

For me, it was inspired by / in preparation for seeing him perform live. As of yet, I've stuck to the era where he had his guitarists doing their best Johnny Marr impressions, but Vauxhall & I tends to the end of that.

I've been a Smiths fan for the past few years, but I only dipped into Morrissey's solo output this year. Bona Drag has been pumping from my car stereo for months.