They're small, platforming levels, and there's not the same sense of urgency as Super Meat Boy. I'd say it's more about appreciation of the levels, especially since they include little bonus elements you only find if you're diligent.
They're small, platforming levels, and there's not the same sense of urgency as Super Meat Boy. I'd say it's more about appreciation of the levels, especially since they include little bonus elements you only find if you're diligent.
I've been playing a lot of short - especially point-and-click adventure - games lately, and I think I will be continuing in that pattern. The next one, as per the recommendation from my older bro, will be Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride.
Bioshock: Infinite was my first foray into the Bioshock franchise, so I'm like you in that regard! I felt totally compelled by B:I, and then switching over to Bioshock, I found that the controls felt kind of clumsy to me, possibly because they were more complex.
Have you played INK? My brother & I tested that game out last week, since the tagline of "Super Meat Boy meets The Unfinished Swan" is a pretty interesting one. Fascinating concept, beautiful graphics, sluggish controls.
I felt similarly - I loved playing it with my girlfriend as an audience, but there were some pretty apparent problems. The dialogue was off-base, some of the plot beats were anywhere from nonsensical to offensive, and the gameplay was non-existent in certain spots. All that said, it's worth a first playthrough.
Wait, I'll have to go see him at the Paramount!
A song by The Strokes, from their debut album?
I appreciate its artistic value, but I skip side B of David Bowie's Low every time.
I played the whole game on a cross-country flight, and I can say that felt like the shortest flight I've maybe ever taken.
I just recently finished the base game for DA:I after setting it to the side for many, many months in favor of Destiny. I enjoyed it, generally, and I'm very glad I got to the end.
I'm sorry, you had a character named Wreckx in Effect?
Did you play the RC helicopter bomb mission on PC or on a console? Let me tell you, playing it with keyboard controls is… the wrong choice.
I'd have said Act III in Diablo II. Dark, with lots of little poison blow-darting enemies.
I gotta say, I want to like Car Seat Headrest, but it just doesn't move me. Maybe as I listen to more of it.
Pitchfork gave it a 6.0:…
Was yours also "HOTEL? TRIVAGO!"?
Did you get the Bit.Trip.Runner achievement for losing on the last jump of that last level?
Have you gotten a full set of Taken gear & everything, too?
Phew, that's at least somewhat of a comfort, knowing that Clem isn't a casualty. I don't want to see who else from my squad eats it before the end. As I recall, I have Lee, Kenny, Omid & Christa. Maybe Vernon.