Dino Ghostometrist

I'm totally freaked out by villain's true face at the end of Roger Rabbit. Those eyes…

Behold, no synopsis & a buried link to the Game of Thrones Jon Snow theory to end all Jon Snow theories.

Way to go, MLA! Keep on it. :)

Also because there is an EP of the same name coming out, which will eventually be filed under music.

Yeah, but only in the US. In Europe, it showed up on World 1-1 Won't Listen.

Heaven Knows I'm Pixels Now?

Oh, interesting! Then my problem is really with the original original title.

I saw this at SIFF earlier this year!

It's easy to lip-sync when you don't have lips. Wait…

It may be worth noting that the film's French title - and the French term for the effect is La Nuit Américaine. What to conclude from the political naming is left to the reader.

Fun fact: Hatikvah, the Israeli national anthem, when played in a major key, has the same melody as "I'm A Little Teapot".

Judaism corner with DinoOptometrist: "shool" is not a deliberate mispronunciation of "school", but rather the Yiddish word shul, literally meaning school but often used colloquially in place of synagogue.

Great weekend!

There's an unbelievable video of this phenomenon, with a man who can only repeat the word "tono". Even more remarkable is to watch him start counting from "one" before it slowly devolves back into "tono".

The only ragtime remix of Eminem I need involves a Tank Engine named Thomas.

One of the conference rooms in my office has a very oddly-scented bottle of hand sanitizer. I first described it as "low-quality pizza"-scented, then I further refined my assessment to "cheap oregano".

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll pick it up from my local library this afternoon. Queued in right behind Fellini's "8 1/2" to watch this week.

This movie came highly recommended by a friend. I really wanted to love it, but I didn't feel like it had any substance underneath its (immaculately blown-out, retro-futurist, future-futurist) exterior.