Dino Ironbody

I can definitely see there being a stigma around only serving one term, though I tend to agree with the people who think Biden is running again because he truly believes he is the only candidate who can defeat Trump a second time. I don’t agree with him, but I think he believes that.

Act like everything is not only great, but exactly how you wanted it to be all along... you’re right, the GOP are acting like a bunch of cats! “I totally meant to get my head stuck in the glass, fall off the table, back into the fireplace, catch my tail on fire, and then run through the house urinating. You must just

It works though. People have already forgotten the downright all-time historic embarrassment that was the GOP House Follies last year, and are now focused on Joe having a bad night in front of the cameras.

I don’t know if it would be filed under ‘panic’ but there was at least fretting of a possible Trump v. DeSantis schism before their primaries.

He started it for us wholesale.

It was a reasonable hope, just like the literal Tron:Legacy (which was a moderate box office success). It’s the same deal. Two SF movies from the early 1980s that were box-office failures in the theater but were embraced on home video and remained current in pop culture. So it was reasonable to believe there was an

“I’m the author of two franchises.”

Which is why I don’t understand her need to constantly insert herself into this conversation. People have opinions about this subject, and it’s highly unlikely that Rowling will influence them one way or another. To the limited extent she may, it’s probably to make people who don’t want to come off as assholes more

So much of The Andromeda Strain was about the secret government program that had been set up to deal with a novel pathogen, and the fact that the motivation behind the program was weapon development. That was what had people recalling it. The actual number of fatalities weren’t as affecting as the way in which they

I’ll get the lights 

Other times he just desecrates a great David Brin novel while wearing a postal uniform.

So I guess no one is on weekend news wire duty anymore? Because Martin Mull deserves a obit, don’t you think?

I only recently found out she was born in the same town as the Sandy Hook school shooting and donated money to the families. This was on Wikipedia I never saw her make a public statement on the matter.

I have. I used to be a big Crichton fan (before his anti-environmental State of Fear, although in hindsight, Rising Sun, about how the Japanese are out to get us, and Disclosure, about how sexual harassment accusations are made by women who are are just angry at being spurned by attractive men, should have told me

Maybe they’ll do a new version of King’s The Stand, which King himself has said was inspired by his reading Earth Abides as a boy.

While I’ll bet that the series will be about as faithful (that is, not at all) to the book as the Apple Foundation series is to its source, based on the title and description, Earth Abides will be based on George R. Stewart’s classic 1949 novel, one of the first post-apocalyptic stories. Weird that it wasn’t mentioned

My World Of Flops back in effect in 2024? What is this, a crossover episode?

The thing is, Rowling was perfectly likable before she randomly decided to make “trans people want to rape me in the bathroom” her entire personality.

Probably, the internet has made negative reinforcement cycles like that a lot more common.

Maybe he’s a troll, but it’s deeply weird how he tries to go about it. He’s really bad at it.