Dino Ironbody
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Like all good Aussie kids of the 90s, it’s run the maze in A*mazing:

I’ve heard of Project Popcorn before but never seen the intro. Thank you for sharing this. I don’t speak Russian, but based on the visuals I can only assume one of the lyrics in the theme song is, “He did a good job cleaning up the place, but Hitler didn’t like him so he shot him into space!

That or Legends Of The Hidden Temple! 

What’s your childhood thing you would do in a heartbeat if asked?
I’ll go first; I’ve always wanted to write a Doctor Who episode.

Oh Thats good. I really hope they do get everyone involved back for a sequel someday.

In The Social Network, Parker “cleans up” the name The Facebook by suggesting they drop the “the.”

Since 1924, only five political candidates have ousted a sitting president - Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter*, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden. The idea that Democrats should give up the massive advantage of having an incumbent (who already beat the challenger in a prior election) is terrible politics.

Because we’ve got the streets, suckers! Caaaan youuuuu diiig iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt

It’s funny, because it was basically a studio race to see which gang movie could get out first: this or The Warriors, and the two movies couldn’t be more different aside from featuring gangs.

The shooter was a Republican, and that’s all that’s going to matter to anyone dumb enough to still be undecided. Their ability to message off it is dead.

Or they’ll read the pithy Onion-style joke, and then either Che or Jost will have some comment directly to the audience as an aside. It’s not bad, but Weekend Update is kinda meant to be quotable. Frank Sabastiano was a big contributor during Tina Fey’s run, and that man is a joke machine.

“Spongebob Squarepants is

Which is funny, ‘cause they’ve done the “fake newsman” thing off and on. Curtin and Murray certainly did things that way, but Chase didn’t. Miller was loose as hell, but Kevin Nealon was so deadpan it hurt.

I really do think Norm MacDonald blew Update wide open and showed what was possible with the format.

Sometimes an asshole is the most likely person to point out another asshole.

I don’t think that’s a flaw, just an intentional choice. The movie exists in conversation with the novel rather than just being the novel on screen, and while King clearly puts at least some of the blame for Jack’s behavior on external forces (be they alcohol or an evil hotel), Kubrick clearly believes that this lets

Yup. The irony is that arguing a woman of color can’t win a general presidential election *is* a straw man argument.

Funny how no one wanted to address the electoral college 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 years ago (let alone any year in between). So does every vote count or not?

Plus, America already voted for a woman. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Unfortunately we still use the electoral college.

O.J really killed it in that film

But who’s gonna play Bill Paxton?

Well, I guess this is one case of nepotism that actually resulted in someone that had a real production contribution. I can’t say that this article actually supports that idea, but my condolences, nevertheless.