Dino Ironbody

It basically means they’ve decided to tolerate it until pushed to the point they can’t anymore. Grab the cash while you can (because clearly there’s a market), then throw him overboard for whoever’s next.

Obviously, this is bad behavior. But the AV Club should do more to put it in context.

Imagine trying to apply this line of reasoning to other situations. “Oh, that’s just Lee Harvey Oswald being Lee Harvey Oswald. Nothing we can do about it!

Villenueve is just so soulless though. He reminds me of Zach Snyder with slightly more talent. It’s why BR 2049 will never be a true classic like the original Blade Runner. Lynch’s Dune has heart (and it helps that he had far better actors to work with). Yes, there is the weirdness of the stuff in Lynch’s version like

Definitely give the Dune and Children of Dune mini-series(es) a watch if you can. The cast is strong with good performances, effects are pretty decent, the story hews pretty closely to the books, and the pacing is good — you don’t feel like it drags, or rushes, and still manages to hit the major plot points and high

I also heard he was going to act in a movie about the invention of the ATM. But they used a robotic double instead. (You know, an Automated Teller Machine.)

Miles Teller should act in a biopic about the inventor of the odometer.

It’s her ancestor.

No, the AV Club has its priorities straight. The most important topics in entertainment are: (1) Shane Gillis, (2) Bowen Yang, (3) end of list.

How the hell am I out of the greys here?

Blade? More like Belayed

I got this one: Actors are emotionally vulnerable and the ones who do the most press by far - so rather than turn them off of doing an interview somewhere down the road, it costs bloggers nothing to shit on the grubby, non-clickworthy writers and directors instead.

It’s interesting how internet reviews so seldom EVER pan an actor’s performance these days. Even in a bad movie, they are always shining. Nobody ever has trouble saying a writer or director stunk the place up.

Gateways to Geekery and Primer also need to make a comeback.

Can they give Tom Breihan another column on anything he damn wants?

We’ve been kicking that idea around so... probably. Almost definitely.

I thought Random Rules (the one where interviewees talked about the first five songs that come up on shuffle for them) was a fun little peek into someone’s taste, but they abandoned that loooong ago and it could be difficult to do now with most people using streaming services rather than an iPod.

The good news is no one will be in gray jail. But G/O still owns all the user info, so everyone will need to create a new log in with their old user name.

One hopes that “migrate off Kinja” will include moving to a platform that isn’t a pile of radioactive garbage.

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