Dino Ironbody


Yes, but believing in Will Smith for pragmatic reasons (rather than having actual faith in Will Smith) is disingenuous and morally suspect - and he will see through that and you will not receive his blessings of Willness. True Willenism is not a matter of rational choice and must come in the absence of evidence — else

Aw, too bad for Lesne Grolat.

That’s true.  

ATTENTION EVERYONE: KATIE RIFE HAS RETURNED. Who says all good things must come to an end?

You arrogant ass! You’ve killed us!

... uh... yeah, it definitely was! That’s what I’ll go with! Definitely not a typo!

I’m sure the second he does it’ll be front page news here on the AVC. Sneak preview:

Nightmare on LV-426 Street

I guess it did. But nuBSG’s later, poorer seasons overlapped with LOST and were obviously inspired by it. All those “mysteries” that never paid off.

That’s basically at least one episode of The Mandalorian.

That would have indeed left this one open to be called Bad Boys 4 Life, so that would make sense!

I like Baldwin, professionally — like, I think he’s a good actor, and all. But doesn’t almost everyone in the world think that he personally is a huge dick?

See also Connelly, Jennifer and Winslet, Kate

Okay so you want to head north for a while. Once you pass the third moose you want to take a left at the ice hockey ring.  Then another left at the next ice hockey ring. Then a right at the next ice hockey ring.  If you pass the Tim Hortons you went to far 

basically spend the whole time fighting over Lane.

I’ll echo the sentiments of others, that nepotism will only get you so far before you get sidelined. Did Maya Hawke have help getting her foot in the door? Absolutely. But she’s also done the work, and has the drive, and few would argue that doesn’t have incredible ability and camera presence. Compare to, say, Chet

People say The Simpsons predicts the future, but The Onion does too. You gave a good example. Another is the one in which they predicted there was another celebrity to be had from Mary-Kate and Ashley’s family.

Bill Murray IS Garfield in Who Punched The Lasagna?
Coming this Christmas!

I thought Once Upon a Time in Hollywood purposefully cast a bunch of nepo babies for the Manson family? Kevin Smith’s daughter, Andie Macdowell’s daughter... thought there were others too?