Dino Ironbody

The character sort of came together organically, I think- in the earliest episodes he’s only referred to and they weren’t necessarily planning for him to appear on screen. 

Is it better than the movie, which I vaguely remember watching in the 90s?

Yep. It’s only a matter of time before this site goes behind the Paste paywall (Pastewall?) with Jez and Splinter.

there hasn’t been a new Jaws movie in 37 years.”


Also the porn star Ron Jeremy, who has been accused of multiple sexual assaults.

Willem Dafoe is already in the cast, so perhaps he’ll pull double duty and be Simmons’ body double for the scene where Berle shows Chevy Chase he's not the biggest dick around. 

I always thought it was hilarious that Berle was a guest on The Muppet Show. I know they weren’t shy at inviting edgy guests like Alice Cooper, but they presented Berle as the beloved “Uncle Miltie”. You just knew the adults watching were thinking of the stories of the size of his member.


How’s the weather out there on Contrarian Island?

Club Lies Bleeding

I read it in a book. I believe this one:

Doomed, Part Two

I consider it a minor miracle that comments have been turned back on, apparently with no other changes (...like a Jezebel-style paywall). Not that that won’t happen, but I’d resigned myself to the A.V. Club’s final curtain call.

Under the article I found comments!  Who are these people?!

What’d I miss?

Wait... are comments back? They were gone yesterday? Am I losing my mind?

I thought "Titanic" was more thematically appropriate.

I couldn’t find one without “Gentleman” (sic), but this goes for everyone,

The first JP was basically ‘New Jaws’.