Dino Ironbody

That’s totally fair (Joss Whedon has a lot to answer for on that score), but man, I am hard pressed to think of any show or movie I’ve ever loved that isn’t at least a little bit funny. And few that aren’t at least a little bit colorful (not referring to actual black and white movies, of course, which is a whole

His nemesis is Zak Harkonnen

Even cooler than Max Atreides, Paul’s sand-surfing younger brother who wears sunglasses and backwards baseball cap?

I'm not even sure it's the coolest name/state name when Johnny Utah exists. 

I didn’t realize at first that “soo” was part of his last name and thought the article title was emphasizing just how convicted he was

If I got Karl Wallinger’s first name mixed up with Karl Wallenda’s, we wouldn’t even be here now! Just like Karl Wallinger’s obit! Karl Wallinger, of The Waterboys and World Party and The Flying Wallingers fame! Shit, wait.

Dogs walking without rhythm reportedly safe.

Fuck, “Karl,” not “Kurt.” I mentally transposed “Karl Wallinger” and “Kurt Waldheim,” which really, nobody in arguable possession of their faculties should be doing.

Allegedly a British actor, and yet he never appeared on Doctor Who. Strange

Used to love them both but gotta say, not sure how much room Keith has to talk. The occasions I’ve clicked on him are liberal versions of truck rants.

Jake Llody’s mom has got it goin’ on!

What I am getting from this is that people who retire take about five years to fake their own death and hide from Ben Shapiro

No wonder these fools seem to be getting along so well in the header pic.

Well, at least you didn’t go on an anti-pitbull rant.

Yes! It was totally unclear to me when he meets the Paley’s, because as you note he looks much older than he’s supposed to be at that point.  Capote was always a very youthful looking person.  The drugs and alcohol take a drastic toll on him, and we don’t really see that. 

Oh for FFS, why must everything be told in a non-linear fashion?  It’s my big frustration with Feud this season.  It keeps cutting back and forth, and I have no damn idea what timeframe we’re in.  If ever there was a story that could be told in a straight fashion, it’s the hunt for Lincoln’s killer.  It’s a terrific

That’s like saying Einstein was a terrible dancer, so it’s a bit hard to trust his views on physics. I don’t see how having weak characterization (if it is really so and not just a cultural difference between China and the West) has any bearing whatsoever on the Dark Forest theory, which is simply asking what would be