Dino Ironbody

The closest thing to a joke is Crowe standing in front of a sign that reads “dry aged meat.”

“came up to me like a dog”

“It was beautiful, it was perfect...”

I was about to make this comment: “She came to me and with tears in her eyes, said, ‘Ma’am! I’m so sorry for how I treated you, Ma’am! You’re the greatest singer of our age Ma’am and you’re work in Monster-In-Law was much better than in Out of Sight, which you were also terrific in, Ma’am...”

Big actress, strong actress...”

100% I bet this one wasn’t bullshit, tho.

Ok it wasn’t just me.

Point taken.

Mace Windu died in the Star Wars prequels, but that’s never stopped a Star Wars character before

Argh, I’ll skip this pun thread.

It’s just an effort to link you unreasonably to a group we all despise, so your argument can be dismissed.

No one, absolutely no one, here is suggesting that you can simply choose to not feel bad emotions, when it come to things that are actually important. If your mom dies, I’m happy to trust that there’s nothing performative about your grief.

I agree.  I’m also very skeptical of the supposed “impact” when it comes to things like that.  I doubt anyone was actually offended by any of the stuff in 30 Rock, as opposed to a very small group of the professionally aggrieved seeing an opportunity to raise a fuss.

Clearly the truth is she will be at the Super Bowl. After the Chiefs win she will come out to the field and give Kelce a huge kiss. Then unhinge her jaw and swallow him whole on live television as she transforms into Taylor Swerpent the 300 foot long Snake God-Queen. After she feasts on the crowd she will turn the

Until Dennis Miller lost his damn mind.

One of my buddies nigh worships this dude and I don’t get why. Fuck, Dennis Miller was at least occasionally funny.

Actually, they’re really coming for you, and Trump is the only thing standing in their way. A wall, if you will.

lol, not as dumb as how the show was. They used the same backlot from Friends and Seinfeld to pretend it was San Francisco.

You know anyone in a rush to go to jail?

A fan came up to me, big fan, strong fan, tears in their beady, fanny eyes, they said Ms Milano, ma’am, I’m sad. You’ve been treated very unfairly. I said that’s true. So sad, very sad. But we love Charmed, don’t we folks?