Dino Ironbody

Other than his Trump, is there a widespread dislike of him on SNL?

Weird for Kubrick of all people to be like “This guy’s just an asshole.”

Reread my first few sentences and you’ll see I knew you meant Obama, not Trump.

“dusting” her? Counts vary, but she was at least within one percent of him in the popular vote. She may have been predicted to be the nominee before the primaries, but well before they ended the party had lined up behind Obama to the degree that a number of prominent party members had called for her to drop out, and

That “unknown” went on to be a 2-term president, so I don’t think it’s fair to evaluate him by 2006 criteria. Plus, she managed to stay competitive with him well after party members started calling for her to drop out for party unity.

Surprised you’re not accusing me of “sealioning” or whatever.

I think how close she came to beating Obama in ‘08 contradicts the idea that she was a “uniquely terrible candidate.”

Sucks how much city dwellers are such an acceptable target in America.

I’m in the grays because Kinja sucks.

Many people were pissed when Obama was elected but he was re-elected anyway.

People used to think America would never vote for a black guy.

There’s a Star Trek Cannon?

2006, 2018, 2022.....

If they’re that powerful how did Obama and Biden get elected?

Capricorn One is my personal pick for most underrated movie.

I think the ratio of media choices to population is higher than ever too, not to mention more diversity of viewpoints. Just how do you think someone has control of all these different blogs and YouTube channels and such?

There are a lot more media choices now than then.

I think you might be confusing cause and effect.

You are countering your own argument here. They jumped to OAN because FOX pushed them so far to the right that not being full-throated MAGA apologists became a bridge too far for them.”

Will Patton is still alive.