Dino Ironbody

So, you think the media has little influence because... there’s too much of it?”

I take it you don’t think it’s naïve to think the only reason your candidate lost is because the people were just too brainwashed.

I think you skipped a few words in that comment.

You mentioned nepotism so I incorrectly assumed he was related to Martin Landau.

I think things might be different if not for the fact that we’ve known for a year and a half now that Trump would be the nominee, once it became clear DeSantis was all hype. I think there might’ve been more consideration to opening up the Democratic field if we weren’t assured well in advance that the GOP would

I think your attitude is pretty reasonable.

As much legit concern there may be about Biden, I think a lot of the criticism is coming from people who never accepted the idea that he won the 2020 nomination fairly in the first place. One thing that annoys me is when people assume the reason their candidates lost the nomination is because the party/media conspired

I think that’s an unfair reading of what he said. There’s no guarantee the Dems win no matter who the nominee is, so even if he stays in and loses that doesn’t mean it wasn’t the right choice or that he should regret staying in.

In 2016 should they not have picked the candidate with the most primary votes?

I see why that would be an issue, but my problem is the uncertainty of whether someone picked so soon before the election would be a better pick than someone who’s already beaten Trump once. A lot of people who seemed like good presidential candidates in theory wilted when exposed to the light of day.

You never hear them panic about things like debate performance. I don’t remember them panicking when Trump coke-sniffed his way through the 2016 debates.

I think people blame the party more than the president, so I doubt a different Democrat would fix that problem.

How do you think Biden won in 2020?

All the talk the last week about Dems panicking made me realize you never hear about Republicans panicking. They’re like cats acting like everything’s fine no matter how much they just embarrassed themselves.

Boss ended before House of Cards began.

The first Tron made more than Blade Runner on a lower budget.

A lot of people mocked Prometheus when it was released too.

What a dick.”

You did say that you didn’t think Star Wars is any less great because of how derivative it was. How is Harry Potter any worse in that regard?

Yeah, but I still thought it was funny in context.