Iron Dinobody

As a sidenote on Avatar’s success, I can’t help thinking about a point I saw someone make a week or two ago. They essentially argued that while there was a lot of dismissiveness over Avatar: WoW initially due to nobody really talking about the first one online and similarly not necessarily that amount of buzz for the

I remember nothing about the sequel except the sight gag with William Shatner on a screen, but I must have missed the next minute and a half because I was laughing so hard.

I always thought Anchorman 2 was way better then it has any right to be.  The final fight at the end is gleefully silly to an extreme degree.

To be fair, Jackman told that anecdote to Page Six in 2017 (your link) and then again to Chris Wallace.

I love the story about when he was playing Sauruman in LOTR he complained about a scene where a character gets stabbed in the back and screams. “Someone stabbed in the back doesn’t scream; it’s impossible because their lungs collapse. That’s why we did it in the war in the special forces!”

The author’s consistent use of the spelling “Creedance” throughout does not give creedence to the idea that the author is an actual professional writer.

“I’d like to thank the victims for getting murdered and making this story possible.”

Julianne Moore, you need to look prettier. Stephanie Hsu, could you sound more Asian?

The delicious irony that even after getting in bed with right wing detritus, her new audience still thinks her too “woke” for their blood

The story of this story is that Kumail Nanjiani said something about a thing.

Is that what gives you an Iron dinobody?

Goodwill as in second hand non-profit store?

“Primarily known for his slacker anthem, ‘Loser’...”

You learn to love what you grow up with, I suppose. I didn’t grow up with Dunkin’, and, as such, it’s maybe my 5th choice for coffee, behind at least a couple of gas stations.

Given the turnover of staff I am surprised that there aren’t even more stories like this. TBH the way my brain handles AVClub content I would probably never realize they are reprinting articles.

Part stingray, part Doug.

“I am tired of the AV Club, it's writers. I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their listicles."

In fairness, everyone who was writing for the site back then has been taken around back and shot. The current writers were all grown in vats and have never been exposed to dangerous ideas like “unions” and “earning enough money to live on”.

It’s actually an obscure Marvel character from New Mutants that was created when Doug Ramsey merged with Ray Jay Johnson.