Iron Dinobody

Thanks, Jodie.

I wish you well in  your next endeavor.

Wow. With the exception of Community (no opinion), you just listed some of my absolute favorite shows.  That was a tough run!

Wow. That’s like the American Pie of late night.

He was a pretty awful late-night host in his own way. Hard to believe he was the first Daily Show host, too.

Seems like Letterman left years before the others somehow.

Dark days indeed.

Holy shit! Lol that must have been my club kid years cause I never watched him.  What became of him? 


Craigy Ferg left the Late Late Show in December 2014.

Cruise called it “far and away the most dangerous thing I’ve attempted.”

Thanks, Evil Lincoln! Always happy to see you in the comments

That’s what’s so fun! It’s utter bullshit!

I rewatched it earlier this year and god damn did I love being reminded of how good it was! Even all the batshit, interdimensional stuff of the last couple seasons was more fun than I had remembered. And there’s not enough words I can say about my love of Walter and Astrid’s interactions. She’ll always be ‘Astro’ to

He doesn’t know how to spell it?

My hypothesis is that he’s 14.

(ironic you should get his name wrong while complaining about inaccuracies)“

More page views this way.

By simply having Hughes post an update to a preexisting article, those penny-pinchers at J/O Media don’t need to pay him to write a new one!

You have correctly deduced that coming up with the fake names was the part of my comment that took the longest. :D