There’s a Kermit Tully in Fire & Blood.
There’s a Kermit Tully in Fire & Blood.
The late Kermit Roosevelt Jr is really disappointed you didn’t pick him.
I prefer Musk’s abuse of power more than, say, the Sacklers or Kochs... At least weird nerds do their damage out in the open. (Which, yeah, I agree is like saying I’d prefer not having the blindfold in front of the firing squad but stick with me a second longer...)
Do you know what’s worse, Will? Is you feeling the need to write about how depressing it all is and somehow making a man slapping another man in the face into a left/right wing issue where the AV Club is basically saying “why, of course Will should be able to slap whomever he wants!” just because some ass like Ben…
I rewatched Looper somewhat recently and found the make-up distracting. A lot of the movie works for me, including both Levitt and Willis’ performances, but at some point I wondered why they didn’t just cast people who looked more alike.
The accounts are incorrect, given the guy who wrote Darmok amongst many other episodes of TNG-era Trek wrote for the first two years of Discovery, and another writer on the show was the main Voyager novelist for years, and she went on to be co-creator and an executive producer on Picard.
If anything, series 1 of Discovery is a refutation of the conclusion of the DS9 episode In the Pale Moonlight - in both stories the protagonist makes a decision to forgo their morals in favour of what they see as the greater good, but while Sisko decides that’s OK, Burnham realises she was wrong to do so.
I really hope this makes them realize that what a lot of fans want to see from Star Trek is not prequels around TOS. It’s about time we get The next “Next Generation”. I assume Stewart is probably not game for to much more but I’m sure he’d be game for a guest spot. Same with Frakes and most the rest. Give us…
Leaving aside the “someone died for real” angle, it’s not even that good a joke.
This is really cool. Doing archivist work can be fun and when you stumble upon something its actually really cool.
Of course, the Grammys didn’t have the balls to let him perform a song.
What’s your favorite sub-100 minute movie?
Gotta be Berlin Alexanderplatz.
Take me, take me now!!!
I do badminton references too. Brace yourself.
Moonlighting was the first non-kiddy TV show I made a point of watching or at least taping each week back in the day. Always hoped he’d give us one more comedic role before he hung it up.
I would be WAY more afraid of being slapped by Serena than I would be by Will Smith. Have you seen Serena’s shoulder muscles?!? She is a goddess. You know that commercial where they do the “Serena — Wonder Woman — Serena — Wonder Woman” switching until Serena becomes Wonder Woman? Yeah, I’d rather see Serena as Wonder…
I will go to the Castuhl of Dracuhlah.
50 years from now, your space-grandchildren will comment on space-AVClub, “At least the pop stars from the 2020s were talented social media managers and self-promoters. These damned space-popstars are only good at telekinesis and mind control!”
Curious how The Social Network is increasingly out of touch. I felt it did a great job of showing that Zuckerberg was very much the asshole that Holmes and the like later presented to be. He did steal the Winklevoss brothers’ idea, piggybacked off Eduardo’s math skills and seed funding, and then threw the latter under…