Iron Dinobody

I try to always keep my cool in any online interaction, but it hadn’t occurred to me that one benefit is if I had an impostor it’d be easy to tell us apart.

And after all we’re only ordinary men.

Is Netflix also paying critics(93% on RT)?

I see you’ve replaced smarm with anger.

Good luck trying to convince them.

I was born in ‘87 and was aware of the line, although I had to look up where it came from. Funny thing is that the question actually makes sense in context and Kate answered seriously, so I think it’s a bit unfair that it’s the go-to example of an inane interview fluff question.

That’s a convenient way to avoid responding to what someone says. Just make a big deal about how bored you are because other people are so stupid and predictable. Oh please, won’t anyone give any intellectual stimulation to relieve your crushing ennui? Also, please continue to smirk and chuckle to yourself about how

I rarely buy books anymore because I’ve been trying to cut down on the number of things at home. I actually had all the Potter books at home until I gave them away as part of my efforts at minimization(and I’d had them since before she went all transphobic). I do plan to read the books again someday(more specifically,

After putting it off for years due to its length, I finally started watching ER last night.

You didn’t actually respond to what I just said.

I think the idea that Star Wars doesn’t condone in-universe slavery is debatable considering its treatment of the droids until Solo.

Seems to me you have a very “What are you, chicken?” idea of what self-respect is.

This was about the idea that the Potter books promote slavery, not Rowling herself.

Whatever, there must be a way to enjoy her work without giving her anything.

Star Wars has also been accused of promoting slavery. Are you going to blast other people for watching it because if that?


Katharine Hepburn.

What does her being black have to do with this? Rock is black too.

Is it still “rewarding” her if I check her books out from a library?

Not one that I get.