Iron Dinobody

Whoever wanted a sequel should’ve just PUT FOUR SLICES OF CHEESE ON THE FUCKING BURGER!

Looks like overturning Roe really did hurt them a lot in the midterms.

Had any of these Trump-like characters actually been president?

I actually find the conservatives who liked the Report to be less baffling than those who blasted it as some kind of offensive caricature of conservatives yet went on to support Trump.

He didn’t claim to be more of a victim than the woman who died.

Where did he claim to be the “real” victim?

I see you’re now referring to yourself in the plural.

I’m still in the habit of using “liberal” to mean “left-wing.”

I think it’s too early to declare DeSantis some kind of unstoppable juggernaut; there’ve been candidates in recent history who were thought to be their part’s front-runner who completely tanked in the primaries. Besides, there’s a good chance Trump will still me making a stink, maybe even running third party if he

I don’t see why asking questions is bad.” isn’t a question.

I was talking about it in terms of electability, not benefit to the human race.

If he was able to win in 2020 I doubt 4 years is gonna make that much difference, and he seems to me to be much more aware than Trump of his own limitations as president, so I don’t expect him to overreach as far as his mental capacity.

I don’t see why asking questions is bad.

If I said that prejudice against people on the autism spectrum is murder would the fact that I’m on the spectrum myself mean others can’t argue with me?

Are you worried about his electability or his presidential ability?

I’m guessing that in two years banning abortion will still be less popular than Biden.

After how much better the Dems did than expected in the midterms what makes you think Biden shouldn’t run?

What makes you think SNL has the power to “normalize” people?

What I’m wondering is whether the whole “What a dick!” reaction some people have had based on a few excerpts is really warranted based on the book as a whole.

Last week Tucker Carlson said “I’ve been a coastal elite my whole life and I could not have more contempt for them”, which I’m guessing is supposed to be him bragging about how much better than he is than them but sounds to me more like an admission of self-loathing.