Iron Dinobody

She was the one who suggested Weird Al do “Like a Surgeon.”

The Daily Show has more YouTube subscribers than The Late Show.

Right, but I think a team’s attendance or TV ratings would be more comparable to a film’s box office than that team’s record.

Difference is that in sports a team’s record actually is basically an objective measure of how good it is, unlike box office.

Do TV execs like TV?

Was Weinstein known for craving the spotlight? He wasn’t especially famous until 5 years ago.

Kinda surprised none of the TZ revivals have done a story about that. Maybe a director who puts other people’s safety at risk gets a taste of his own medicine.

I’m guessing they think Warnock’s pro-choice stance makes him worse than Walker. What’s one “murder” compared to millions?

One bit from The Dune Encyclopedia that I thought was really fascinating is the entry on I.V. Holtzman, the Zefram Cochrane/Solomon Epstein of the Duniverse.

I think this one bit of the sketch parodying Palin’s Katie Couric interview was the only time they actually had Tina just say things Palin said. For example, Palin never said “I can see Russian from my house!”

I bet the makers of Battlefield Earth would disagree with Mencken.

H.L. Mencken said that, although the exact quote was: “No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”

Weird that the 27 Club is considered a big deal considering Winehouse and Cobain are the only undisputed members who’ve died in the last half century.

I like Nemesis too.

I like Star Trek 1 and 3 better than 2 and 4.

What makes you think the Dems had that much influence on their voters in 2016?

You can sympathize with him because of his childhood and still abhor what he did.

I think if the party establishment was that powerful Trump wouldn’t have won the nomination, since he didn’t exactly have the GOP’s back during the primaries.

If any other Democrat would’ve beat Trump, why didn’t they beat Hillary?

Jon announced he was leaving months before Trump announced his candidacy.