Kinja makes it confusing as far as which comment is a reply to which, so I’ll address both of them here:
Kinja makes it confusing as far as which comment is a reply to which, so I’ll address both of them here:
Then I’m not a very manly man because I’m not very confrontational.
You say that like Republicans were totally fine before Reagan.
That would mean a conservative who refuses to argue with the liberal is giving the liberal the OK sign too.
“Politics are killing people.” What’s a “politic”?
I liked how in The White Lotus his obsession with the double-booked room looks at first like he’s just overly fixated on this one thing, but then goes on to reveal much deeper flaws with his character.
John Lennon had a cold when The Beatles covered “Twist and Shout” and his voice gave out after the first take so they used it and the raspy voice fit the song.
There actually was a span of a few years where I used to do amateur stand-up at open mics, and I sometimes did impressions, but that was years ago.
I didn’t think Melissa was a “pure” impressionist like him, though.
But you said he was a lot more than an impressionist.
I don’t remember Hammond having a lot of non-impression roles.
Darrell Hammond did pretty well on SNL.
Where would be better for impressionists?
I read John de Lancie became really good at improvisation because of his dyslexia.
In news tangentially related to SNL, Sarah Palin lost Alaska’s congressional election.
If you only count 1st place votes she actually won by more than she did with RCV.
Why would her bonkers stunts work? She hasn’t won an election in 16 years.
If voters didn’t have a big impact Trump would still be president.
I like it too, but I wonder why it is that, even though they have the original and most recent Twilight Zones, they don’t have the ‘80s or ‘00s versions.
What makes you say that?