Dino Ironbody

I usually find Bill Maher to be a dick, but I liked that he publicly denounced Hollywood's support of Polanski(kinda surprised me given how much he otherwise fits the stereotype of a Hollywood liberal).

Right, but his dickish on-set behavior makes it more puzzling to me why so many in Hollywood would feel compelled to defend him.

Why do so many people in Hollywood defend him? I've read about him being a real nightmare to work with on Rosemary's Baby and Chinatown. Is he really charming when not directing or something?

Me neither, but whether we understand it or not doesn't change anything.

I love this too:

Even in the closest states it would've taken thousands of votes to change the outcome, so unless you think Fallon actually caused thousands of people to vote for Trump the I don't see what "damage" you're talking about.

"Normalizing" him when he was already the GOP nominee?

Do you think NBC should've predicted that making him host of The Apprentice would lead to him becoming president?

So the fact that he was actually fighting back tears when he was talking about Charlottesville isn't enough?

Tubular Boobular Joy!

Can you really embarrass someone like Trump into submission?

Not a fan myself, but I did think Canadian Bacon was really funny.

If everyone agreed that something was offensive there would be no need to ban it. Also, do you think that banning Nazi and KKK rallies would make them just give up?

We like to think we would've been on the right side of history no matter what, but I think pretty much anyone is capable of supporting terrible things under the right circumstances.

I thought the problem with the Confederate was supposed to be that it was too close to real life, not too removed from it.

The Nazis didn't create the swastika.

Plenty of people with brains believe terrible things, so I don't think the "you must have a fucking brain to decide what's in the public interest" standard would work.

I wonder how many great works of entertainment wouldn't exist if everyone was this worried about "normalizing" bad things.

PTA said he's a big fan of Sandler and basically conceived the movie with him in mind, so it seems pretty ironic to me to say that he ruined Punch Drunk Love considering it wouldn't exist if not for him.

More boring than Pence?