Dino Ironbody

The alt-right has ruined an entire prefix.

Unfortunately I bet most living WW2 vets support Trump.

I doubt that because that WHCD was before he announced he wasn't gonna run in 2012. I think if the WHCD was why he decided to run he would've run in 2012 to try and beat Obama.

"Why are you hitting yourself, Drinking With Skeletons?"
- The Universe

Could his plate be any fuller?

We did have Stalin on our side.

I think their satire's gotten more sophisticated since then.

What about the people who actually support Trump?

What about today? Is today the dumbest day in American history?

They didn't act like Hillary was just as bad as Trump.

Also "grow a spine." Lucky that "penis" and "spine" have the same letters.

Spiro Agnew is an anagram of "grow a penis."

Principled stands can be based on hate and prejudice. Principles aren't inherently good.

How is it a euphemism? "Anti-diversity" sounds pretty bad to me.

While we're on the subject, what did Mallon do that pissed people off?

I'm not totally up to speed on this, so I'd appreciate if someone could tell me everything Joel's done wrong(I know he upset some former cast members by not asking them if they wanted to be involved in the revival).

So McConnell is "weak" and "spineless" for not refusing to criticize Trump?
