Dino Ironbody

At least they've succeeded in rattling his cage.

I enjoyed his musky, Victor Mature-like scent.

Doesn't make up for using their powers of supernormalization to brainwash the country into electing the previously unknown Donald Trump.

You're implying that a group composed entirely of A.V. Club commenters will…breed?

If only Yahoo had ever officially canceled it.

Were the anonymous upvotes subtracted from those comments?


Speaking of which, does anyone know what the most upvoted comment in A.V. Club history is?

I imagined that comment in a Cosby voice.

Just M, like how the S in Harry S Truman just stands for S.

Did you make a similar plea to MTV to not stop showing music videos?

In 2010 MTV actually declared that the M in MTV no longer officially stands for Music.

Do black actors get more resentment over how much they make than white actors do?

I think people tend to think that success in athletics is more a function of genetics than success in acting, so there's more resentment towards athletes because people think they didn't work hard for what they have.

He wished the accusations hadn't gained so much (urinary) tract(infect)ion.

Good thing that, unlike the A.V. Club, the Avocado isn't gonna be toast.

I liked the front page of The Onion's last print edition.

My favorite Simpsons joke(I've watched the first 12 seasons) is the end credits for the Zorro movie in a season 11 episode.

In 2007 there was a high-wire walking competition over the Han river in South Korea which prompted the Washington Post headline "Skywalkers in Korea Cross Han Solo."

Well yeah, I was just thinking that being a nightmare to work with makes it even more puzzling why people in Hollywood would feel compelled to support him.