Dino Ironbody

"They pumped Judy Garland so full of drugs they killed her. KILLED HER!"

I've heard people refer to "THERE…ARE…FOUR…LIGHTS!" as an example of bad acting. I wonder how they'd expect someone who'd been through what Picard went through to talk.

Which nationalities of Latinos support being tougher on immigration the most?

I think this was one hell of a year for SF tv. Buffy, Lexx, and SG-1 all debuted, B5 concluded its main story arc, DS9 and The X-Files were in their primes, Voyager entered its prime, and MST3K joined the SciFi channel.

I read that book recently. One thing I loved from it was Dana Carvey telling how he got his Mickey Rooney impression from things Mickey would actually say to him when they were on the cast of a sitcom together.

Who knows, maybe Shining a new light on the story will be a good thing.

It's insulting to assume that people from countries where English isn't an official language don't speak English!

Something something Archie Bunker Effect…

For proof that originality is overrated, look at some of their most acclaimed recent shows:
The Office: American version of a British show
Parks & Rec: Basically The Office in the public sector
Friday Night Lights: based on a movie
Parenthood: ditto
Hannibal: ibid

Do you know what happened to him?

I'd like reboots of Earth 2 and SeaQuest DSV.

People make fun of NBC a lot, but I have a soft spot for them because they've made a disproportionate number of shows I like.

What major network do people generally consider the best in terms of quality and good executive decisions?

17, huh?

Is the Millennium Garage where they park the Millennium Falcon?

It really shook me when I found out how it's actually pronounced.

I actually used to think Suge rhymed with huge.

Except he can't actually get anything done.

You could argue the Senate is unintentionally gerrymandered for Republicans since smaller states tend to vote Republican.

I imagine Trump actually has pretty low self-esteem under all that bluster.