Dino Ironbody

The only live action Trek show on a major network was TOS, which only lasted 3 years.

Yeah, but he predicted that it take 240 years for the empire to fall, so I don't think he would've pushed for change if he was purely self-interested because the empire's fall wouldn't occur until after he died.

I think people's reactions are too unpredictable for that.

Apparently he didn't even decide who to fire on The Apprentice.

BTW, after the Trumpcare flop Huckabee said we should repeal the Constitutional amendment that let the people of each state vote for Senate and go back to senators being picked by the state legislatures because those people would really work for their states(whereas the people could give two fucks about their own

Can he actually fire the VP?

The fact that they got rid of "Fair and Balanced" amazes me because it shows that it's actually possible to embarrass Fox News.

So it was a bad thing that the show existed?

I feel like they weren't actually in the movie until last week when the universe decided to retroactively put them in it just because.

'It's OK, you can laugh."

Remember when conservatives bashed Jon Stewart for being all "I'm just a comedian"?

So basically the impact on those people was the same as if the show had never existed in the first place. Fine, but to me that undermines the idea that a show like Confederate would be bad merely for existing even though it wouldn't actually have any negative impact.

Even if we assume that Confederate is more problematic, I still don't see how it's worse in terms of the practical impact it would have.

I doubt that if Archie had no redeeming qualities whatsoever that would've made bigots change their views.

I assume those people already thought their own beliefs were acceptable.

If Archie Bunker didn't actually makes his views more appealing to anyone, what's the bad part?

Maybe, but it seems like there are some people who think that depicting something automatically glamourizes it no matter how negatively it's portrayed.

The fact that there are people who remember the Holocaust arguably should make it more "problematic" than Confederate.

How do Germans feel about High Castle?

You were implying that The Man in the High Castle wasn't as problematic as Confederate because Germany's made more progress than we have.