Dino Ironbody

Do you think that an alternate universe where things are better than in real life would make people realize how many problems we still have?

Are black people treated better in Germany than in America?

Showing how things could've been worse isn't implying we don't have any problems in real life.

I doubt Archie Bunker was considered admirable by anyone who didn't already think that way.

Also, the Nazis didn't create the swastika.

This article is Rife with errors.

"So they were nice people, they still killed babies!"

I understand why some people would be bothered by the premise of Confederate, but the whole idea of "normalization" seems to me like it has a certain paternalistic, "Think of the children!" attitude behind it that implies we can't afford to let the people decide what they want to watch. I think the impact

As least Shatner is a charismatic asshole.

Evil Kirk didn't have a goatee, and Spock's mirror universe character wasn't really evil.

Good thing we never liked him because we thought he was a nice guy.

When Bruno Kirby died in 2006 a local news reporter went to a Hollywood premiere and asked several actors who'd worked with Kirby what he was like, and after they answered he told them Kirby had just died and the station aired their shocked reactions.

The fact that Mel Gibson can make a comeback seems to me like a major point against the idea that conservatives can't get work in Hollywood. Not that Hollywood isn't overwhelmingly liberal, but it seems to me like desire for money generally wins out over politics.

First rate, even! And no, "first rate pop culture site" is not a backhanded compliment!

The fact that that show ran from '07-'09 seems kina weird to me since that kind of standup-based sitcom seems so '90s these days.

Can anyone mention any riffs from the KTMA episodes they think are funny? Seems like most people think the host segments are the only thing of value from those episodes. I liked one riff from the Phase IV episode when there's a closeup of an ant and Crow says: "Looks kinda skinny. Must be a Carpenter ant."

Yes, these shows need a more "refined and subtle and clever" approach, because if anyone exemplifies those adjectives it's Trump himself.

Actually, anti-Trump comedians(and media sources) have generally seem their ratings go up since he became president.

I take it you don't think there's any hypocrisy in Trump supporters complaining about people bullying him.

I think you expanded on what I said pretty well. Probably all of us have elitist impulses, and I think some people subconsciously feel that being expected to contain our natural elitist impulses is itself elitist, and so to them Trump's blatant elitism strikes them as humble in a weird way because he doesn't think