Dino Ironbody

I wonder if the reason so many people see Trump as one of them despite his blatant elitism is that he appeals to their own elitist impulses. I think some people feel intimidated by people like Obama who exhibit class and grace and think to themselves "Who does he think he is?" whereas Trump's blatant narcissism makes

The Colbert Report's satire looks more dead-on all the time.

According to an advisor to John Kasich, Donald Trump Jr. offered Kasich the VP position with the promise that he would be the one in charge of policy if he and Trump were elected. The advisor asked what Trump would be in charge of, and Donald Jr. said: "Making America great again." So it seems to me like Trump's idea

They'd just say the "elites" are ignoring him because they're afraid of him.

OK, but people made fun of him for decades before he started with the whole Birther crap. Did people who support Trump now not see why he was such a great comedic target even back then?

Trump yelling "Quitters!" doesn't seem to me like an effective strategy.

OK, but you can agree with someone's policies and still see why people make fun of them; I think most liberals probably knew why Bill Clinton was a good comedic target. Do Trump supporters really not see anything funny about him?

Something I've been wondering: do Trump supporters not see why he's such a great comedic target, or do they see it and just don't care?

Appropriately enough, Trump just hired a new lawyer named Ty Cobb.

Sounds like what Trump does whenever anyone snubs him. "I didn't even care about your stupid little thing. You should've been happy to have me!"

I hope his wife said: "But now you can kiiiiiiiiiiss…my ass goodbye!"

I don't think it was an effective distraction from how shitty Trump is.

He reminds me of that Queen lyric: "You're a sewer rat decaying in a cesspool of pride."

That's because your little brother is standing in the middle of AfghAniston!

Maybe, but that seems like a pretty tiny contribution to me.

OK, but how many people actually voted for Trump because of that? Two or three people, maybe?

Does anyone ever measure other people's tastes in any way other than how closely they match their own?

Yeah, because people depend on Jimmy Fallon to know what to think.

Are you claiming he has no moral compass based on how he treats people in general or based on this one thing?

You say that as though it's unusual in showbiz to tolerate assholes as long as they make money.