Dino Ironbody

Yeah, because well over a year after his campaign started, and after he'd already gotten the GOP nomination, people were still like "Still not sure about this Trump guy, I'd better watch his Fallon interview."

Yeah, we should really malign someone who's trying to help transgender people because we don't like his comedy.


I think it's pretty realistic, though, that someone can have prejudices but be a decent person. Anyway, it may be true that some casual racists/sexists saw themselves in Archie and gave themselves a pass, but if Archie had been an outright Klansman I doubt that would've made them change their views. They'd probably be

I didn't mean to deny the problems we still have, just saying it's also important to remember the progress we have made. For one thing, since you mentioned Germany I think it's worth mentioning that racism is arguably worse in Europe than it is here.

As many problems as we have with race, I take issue with the "What progress have we really made?" attitude of some people towards racism. For one thing, as far as I know we're the only majority white nation to ever elect a black president.

I don't think they created his reputation for being a great businessman.

Sounds like something I read Malcolm Gladwell say where he basically said that funny satire risks glorifying its target.

Hate to say it, but I never cared much for Norm on Update. A lot of his jokes were just saying obvious things like "OJ did it." I liked his impressions, though.

Yes, but I think both countries call their game "football." Americans calling it "American football" and Canadians calling it "Canadian football" would be redundant.

The Big Lewinsky

I wonder how the Christian Right is still gonna claim the moral high ground on family values after Trump is gone.

We have the NFL but we don't call the game "national football."

In 2012 there were a bunch of nutjobs running in the GOP race, but the voters went with boring ol' Mitt Romney. Also, as his running mate he picked Paul Ryan, who was seen at the time as a smart and serious guy(how times have changed). So if Palin paved the way for Trump I don't think it showed in the 2012 GOP race.

Do Canadians call their version of football "Canadian football"?

In the debates he'll have deflated microphones.

I've wondered what we'd call American football if we used the word football for the game that most of the world calls football. Maybe "gridiron"? One idea I had was "yardball" on the basis that you're supposed to accumulate yards, just like in baseball you're supposed to go around the bases.

If his user name was John Barron, then you'd know for sure it's him.

No. Not the Mind Probe.

I wonder: is it a typo if you accidentally spell a word correctly?