Dino Ironbody

I wonder if he says the media is shoving the World Cup down our throats every four years.

The media is waging a war on football by covering it nonstop all year?

If you want to convey how damaging playing football is it's probably bad to use a picture of Canadian football since they have national health care.

Even though she lost and hasn't had much of a political career since?

I wonder how many of those people didn't already believe climate change isn't real.

Maybe, but I think a lot of the "Pick a side!" people seem to think anything other than total certainty must be total nihilism, and so Matt and Try must be nihilists because they don't conform to any ideology 100%.

The position I was arguing against was the idea that South Park had any kind of significant impact in changing public opinion.

Yes, nihilism is the only alternative to total certainty.

The post wasn't a joke in and of itself, I was making a serious point using a bit of hyperbole. Do I have to announce which parts are serious and which parts are meant to be funny?

That seems ironic to me because a lot of the "Pick a side!" people seem convinced their side is right and everyone else is stupid.

Except that last year they strongly took a side that even though both candidates were bad, one was much worse than the other. Also, they seemed to care a lot about trolling and the amount of damage that can do to its victims.

Does that mean they were actually supporting Hillary since the Dems were the incumbent party?

I think they've probably already mocked Trump more than Clinton, Dubya, or Obama.

I doubt Jon Stewart really believes both sides are equally bad.

This comments section is about Al Gore and climate change and South Park did an episode about them(I'll admit the South Park article gave me the idea).

I didn't mean it literally.

If you ask people who use the word "normalize" a lot, South Park is singlehandedly responsible for making people disbelieve climate change.

Most veterans vote Republican, so it would seem that seeing the horrors of war firsthand usually doesn't make people less likely to want to send others to war.

Are they really worse than other networks as far as giving shitty people airtime?

The reboot movies seem to me like a bad way to prove your point since people(including me) like those enough for them to keep making more(plus Discovery). Also, we wouldn't have all those hundreds of hours of Trek if TNG had been canceled early(and TNG arguably was responsible for the subsequent boom in sci-fi TV, and