Dino Ironbody

I think you mean all Star Trek spinoffs.

I wonder if playing it safe setting-wise is really playing it safe when it comes to appealing to fans. Would most fans really rather have a familiar setting than a new one?

They needed something to serve as a heavy-handed metaphor for present-day racism.

Post-human racial, not other species.

Do you realize how many continuity errors Trek has had in its history, all the way back to TOS?

No, in the reboot timeline George Kirk was killed when James T. was a baby.

I thought this was supposed to be the prime timeline.

Hey, it was the '60s.

They explained that 25 years later, so unless Klingons looking inexplicably different was a big problem for you for the intervening 25 years then I don't see why this should be. Besides, I'm sure they could come up with some explanation.

Was he really less racist than in TOS?

I believe most of the characters in Discovery are original.

Not in the Trek universe, where everything is in Earth terms.

They should've had a ridiculously old Porthos make an appearance like Bones did in the TNG pilot.

Did you forget they completely changed the look of the Klingons from TOS to the TOS movies?

I'd say it's a Trek spinoff tradition(and I include Voyager in that; I think it got a lot better starting with "Scorpion") since it doesn't really apply to TOS.

Just like Sherlock Holmes only existed in Data's holodeck adventures.

A friend of mine went to a production of something called Outdoor Trek which does Shakespeare in the Park-type productions of TOS episodes. Once they did "Space Seed" and Khan and his posse were dressed in '90s clothes and at one point started singing "Losing My Religion."


I hope the A.V. Club does a Star Trek Week before it debuts.

I bet TNG didn't feel like Trek to people who were used to TOS.