Dino Ironbody

Goes to show we shouldn't be too quick to give up on Discovery even if it sucks at first.

I wonder if people were this pessimistic when TNG was created.

Is there any actual correlation between "adult" tastes in entertainment and adult-level maturity?

There's also former Red Sox second baseman Jody Reed.


Too bad the planes weren't juuuuuuuuuust a bit outside.


Pretty much.

It's probably my favorite funny moment in Trek history. The fact that he starts laughing like a little kid who can't contain his delight at his own joke makes it even funnier.

Interesting idea, but I think people would rather watch/read an alternate history where things are worse they are in real life because it feels better to go "Glad that didn't happen" than to wonder how much better things could've been.
I do think it's important to remember how much progress we've made. We may still

"IBM Emancipates 8,000 Wage Slaves"

I think it's reputation kinda suffers because of it basically being a poor man's Star Trek. As far as I'm concerned it was pretty damn good for what it was, but I think it may have not been unique enough to stick in people's memories. I get the impression people think of the Stargate franchise as being like the sci-fi

I thought it was getting really good before it was canceled. so who knows how good it could've become. Mytharc-based shows have a pretty iffy track record, but I'd have liked to have seen how it would've turned out anyway.

If it had a full run I might say the same, but as it is I give SG-1 the edge because of how well it maintained its quality over a whole decade.

Did you watch the second season?

I thought Rodney was a really fun character.

Or the Vasquez Rocks planets.

We're all out of toner!

I'd like to see SeaQuest get rebooted, but since I associate it so much with Scheider I'd like the reboot to have a role for Richard Dreyfuss(because Jaws) or John Lithgow(because 2010).

Stoner Kellyanne Conway: "Like, does anyone really know what a fact is, man?