Dino Ironbody

I think the Stargate franchise is kinda underrated. I don't know if I'd say it's great, but I think SG-1 managed to stay consistently good for a whole decade, Atlantis was pretty good too, and Universe was getting really good when it was canceled.

I think TNG gets a bad rap for being too serious. I've heard TOS fans claim TNG wasn't fun and took itself too seriously, but I don't see it. Hell, in one episode Picard drew a smiley face in a war core breach!

I liked his work on the Hawley-Smoot Tariff.

What do you imagine this other universe would be like?

Try putting it in Cruise Control.

You've been to a B&N that has more than two floors?

Anyone else remember the "America's Funniest Hate Videos" sketch SNL did when Saget hosted in '95?

She should consult her Megynecologist.

Jar Jar may be Lucas' fault, but the blame for the treatment of Best and Jake Lloyd by asshole fans belongs 100% with those asshole fans.

I disagree; I think only Chakotay and Harry and maybe Tuvok would fail that test. I think I can describe the others fairly easily: Janeway is a mama bear, Neelix is cheerful, B'Elanna is a hothead, Tom is a regular 20th century-type guy, Kes is innocent and naïve, and Seven of Nine is an ice queen.

I'll admit that I think Chakotay was a pretty ill-conceived character, but I still think it was pretty douchey of Beltran to not even try to give a good performance. The EMH was originally conceived as a pretty dull character but became maybe the show's best character in no small part because of Picardo's performance.

Her sense of entitlement definitely isn't an act.

He even wrote "Spirit Folk", which I consider the worst episode of the whole series.

I think one problem with anti-totalitarian messages in fiction is that people never think it applies to them. Pretty much everybody, probably including Trump supporters, think it's the other side who are a bunch of tyrants.

As much as I love Trek I don't think its vision of the future is very realistic. I'm generally pretty optimistic about the future but I doubt we'll have a utopia in just a few centuries. Also, I'm an atheist but I doubt we'll "evolve beyond" religion anytime soon.

Bryan Fuller actually wrote for that show in its last 4 years.

I'd think DS9 would appeal to conservatives the most of any Trek show because it was the least pacifist of them, and it involved religion more than any other.

Did he terrify you on two non-consecutive occasions?

Anyone else notice how it seems like half his sentences have nothing to do with the previous sentence?

The classiest, most luxurious, most elegant, etc. Superlatives account for a yooj percentage of his vocabulary.