Dino Ironbody

Mike Huckabee once urged Trump to ignore a judge's ruling that overturned the Muslim ban by quoting Andrew Jackson's (probably apocryphal) statement: "now let him enforce it."

So this guy says the president can't be sued for sexual harassment, Newt Gingrich said the president can't obstruct justice, how long before Trump literally says "If the president does it, it's not illegal"?

Bummer. I was wondering because Comedy Central put pretty much everything from the Jon Stewart-hosted Daily Show on the web, so I assumed if they had tapes that far back they must have the Kilborn era too. Maybe they did at the time but junked them later.

I really like Dennis Miller's rants books, so I'd actually like to see episodes of his HBO show.

One of the last few episodes of Roseanne had the Conner family getting offers from TV networks to make a movie of their story. One network was a thinly-veiled ABC that wanted to make it family-friendly for a network TV audience, but there was also a thinly-veiled HBO that wanted to sleaze it up for ratings. I thought

I remember Colbert recently saying that Comedy Central doesn't have tapes of the Kilborn-hosted Daily Show anymore. He may have been joking, but if he's not it's a bummer because I'd like to see those.

What's your bleeding heart liberal opinion on "innocent until proven guilty"? (This doesn't apply to Polanski.)

I liked that in one episode Joel said "You know, her neck looks like Randy Johnson's from the Seattle Mariners" which was a semi-obscure reference at the time since he wasn't a star yet.

In the Forgotbuster column about the 1996 John Travolta movies Michael and Phenomenon, there was a comment that said those movies were both basically Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Movie.

The Wherever You Go, There You Are movie was made a decade earlier, MONKEY BOY!

There are flaws I can definitely acknowledge(for example, I think the Kazon sucked). I think a lot of the common criticisms of Voyager have to do with big picture issues like continuity problems and such, whereas I judge the show more on an episode-by-episode basis. I think the show had plenty of good episodes,

He once said "Good people don't smoke marijuana." I wonder: are there other people who think smoking pot is worse than molesting women?

I was wondering if the reason his poll numbers dropped after the tape was just because a lot of Republicans were too embarrassed to admit that they hadn't really changed their mind and then they used the Comey letter as a convenient time to "reconsider" when they were really gonna vote for Trump anyway.

OK, but I think it creates less of an incentive for people to come around to our side if they know we'll always hold it against them.

And then we would all have the Benghazi Syndrome.

I thought liberals were supposed to be a bunch of overeducated bookworms who don't understand the "real world."

If he doesn't, we're gonna have to get used to the sound of silence.

Don't forget she also used the word "superpredators" once 20 years ago.

It still puzzles me how Trump won even though it seemed like a lot of Republicans were downright ashamed of him.

I've liked Voyager since I was a kid, and since I wasn't searching the information superhighway to find out what other nerds thought about Star Trek I had no idea that so many other people didn't feel the same way I did, so it was kind of a bummer for me when I found out(I can be kind of insecure).