Dino Ironbody

I thought the TV show Threshold, which also involved Brannon Braga, was actually pretty good.

"Amelia Earhart Missing; Famed Aviatrix 'Probably Just Shopping,' Search Teams Say."

It may not always work, but I don't think refusing to understand them will do anything to diminish their importance.

Does he have a pregnant friend?

Why would they give an inch either?

I wasn't even slightly implying that that many people can't be wrong. What I meant was that Trump is already "normalized" whatever we do.

Sounds better to me than blindly defending everything he does.

Even so, tens of millions of people voted for him.

Wouldn't want to "normalize" supporters of the guy we elected president.

Maybe, but "I don't have to tolerate intolerance" becomes its own kind of paradox when it's used to justify being intolerant towards anyone you disagree with.

I think some liberals probably don't see everyone as equal either.

They probably think they understand it just fine.

Actually, I think making someone only half as bigoted would be pretty significant.

Two sides don't have to be equal. Besides, just because they're a minority doesn't mean they're insignificant.

Well yeah, reaching out to the other side should be mutual, which sounds like what's happening here.

To anyone who thinks there's no point in understanding the other side I ask: what incentive would they have to understand your views?

I was 4 when the USSR ended so all I remember is a bunch of new countries on maps.

Green Day should've done jazz odyssey.

Do you not remember the USSR ending later that year?

Might as well JUMP…for joy!