Dino Ironbody

The haircut was named after the plane.

Kinda weird that, between U2 and The B-52s, there are two famous bands named after '50s American military aircraft.

The romantic dialogue he wrote for Anakin and Padme makes me wonder: did he write his own wedding vows?

I assume he meant calling for advertisers to boycott Colbert's show, although I don't see why advertisers would do that because of a joke that the FCC didn't even bother to investigate, so I think any idea that refusing to call for a Colbert boycott makes him some kind of great free speech advocate is just empty

I think speaking out against the #FireColbert thing would be a lot more praiseworthy if he wasn't using it as an opportunity to brag about how supposedly conservatives respect other people's freedom of speech more than liberals. For one thing, there's all the times conservatives have called for boycotts. Also, calling

Something he recently said that struck me as remarkably disingenuous: After the Colbert controversy he tweeted "I will NOT support #FireColbert. I am vs ALL BOYCOTTS. He is a horrible human being, but if u don't like him change the channel." First of all, regarding Stephen being a "horrible human being", from

He just can't wait to be king!

Craig Kilborn said people would tell him he looks like Homme, leading to Josh wearing a t-shirt that said I'M HOTTER when Queens of the Stone Age played on The Late Late Show.

It's amazing to me how Trump supporters never get tired of him. You'd think they might get bored with his shtick after a while, but nooooooooooo…

Sucks for Darrell Hammond that everyone's forgotten about his Trump impression.

Do you think he's a not a good comedic actor in general?

It was good enough to fool Bryan Singer into thinking he actually was American when he auditioned for the role.

One thing I think Trump's victory showed is that people aren't as easily swayed as you might think. Not for good reasons, necessarily, but they're usually not gonna change their mind because some comedian DESTROYS their beliefs, no matter how based in fact their arguments are.

I think it's kinda weird that it took as long as it did after the start of the age of TV for pop culture to start referencing other pop culture to that extent.

I love the parody of that trial in The Cable Guy.

Looks like MST3K will be The Final Sacrifice for Netflix to make.

I remember that sketch, and it's part of what made me realize that I don't remember many other Star Wars references in pop culture from that era(Clerks being an exception).

Past announces previous world tour

How many unofficial Trek movies were included on the list?

I think Brooks liked Star Wars, since he said about Spaceballs: "It's easy to spoof a bad movie. A good movie, now that's hard."