Dino Ironbody

Mel Brooks said about it: "It's easy to spoof a bad movie. A good movie, now that's hard."

I always confused Pullman with Bruce Boxleitner.

And the "T" review for the A.V. Club.

I wasn't meaning to portray Chinese people or their culture as dumb for eating dog meat.

Put it this way: are the jokes we're making any more mean-spirited than the jokes we make about the crap Americans eat?

For one thing, if a Breitbart troll said it it would be one of the least offensive things they've ever said.

Why is it racist to make jokes about Chinese people eating dogs but not racist to say they have shitty taste in movies?

Since it's for China I'm guessing it'll be called To Serve Dog.

This news is super.

Sorry I'm only responding to this post right now, but I didn't read it until just now. Out of curiosity, what have you heard about Dave Barry's unpleasant side?

Yeah, even with Handel winning things don't look good for Trump. I just don't see how Ossoff winning would've sealed Trump's fate any more than Handel winning solves Trump's problems.

I didn't really buy into the hype about this being a referendum on Trump. With everything Trump's withstood I don't see how losing one congressional district would spell doom for him(at least, not compared to the bigger problems he has).

I imagine that actually finding life in other solar systems would boost interest in space travel a lot.

As great as that is, it makes it all the more puzzling that it's been 45 years since we've been to the moon or any other space body. Why did landing on the moon fail to capture people's imaginations more?

"The rapper will play a guy named Marcus Armstrong,…"

I really wonder why people aren't more into space travel. People always say "Don't we have problems on Earth?" but we spend lots of time and money on things way more frivolous than space travel.

I saw an interview with former Onion editor-in-chief Scott Dikkers where he said they especially like making fun of Bay because one time he got really pissed at them for making fun of him.

Not even to look at chicks?

Also, humans aren't the only animals that kill for fun or kill their own kind.

What are you comparing it to?