Dino Ironbody

The attitude of "don't let humans ruin the universe" is why I love the '80s Twilight Zone ep "A Small Talent for War."

I think that's kinda weird considering cats usually don't have that kind of protective instinct towards their owners(at least not as much as dogs).

Anyone have any good "animals are smarter than you think" stories? My mom and I have a cat who wouldn't stop getting on the kitchen counter, so my mom finally put something on the spot where he'd jump on the counter to block him from getting on. He got to the spot from where he'd jump on the counter, noticed it was

Man, everybody got CancerAIDS and shit!

I don't buy the idea that his change in politics is phony. for one thing, he supports gay marriage(and I remember him supporting it over a decade ago, so it's not a recent thing), which wouldn't make sense if he was deliberately trying to get a conservative audience.

This isn't about swaying any of his followers; it's about showing how crazy he is to people who have either never heard of him or have vaguely heard of him but assume he can't be that bad. I think the fact that Trump actually listens to him is the important thing here, so I think showing a large number of people just

Out of all the people watching this interview, I doubt there are many who'd be inclined to become a subscriber of his who aren't already.

How many potential subscribers does he have that aren't already?

Unfortunately his supporters actually believe what he says.

Whoa, huge slam on nuBSG outta somewhere!

One thing I think it deserves a lot of credit for is that it came before LOST and the wave of myth-arc shows that came after, and yet unlike those it actually resolved its story arcs.

My favorite moment in the whole series is this exchange:

No one else can be any higher than Secund.

S'all good, I love both shows.

I notice that both B5 and DS9 had several cast members who had famous roles in the '60s and '70s.

Has he done the PMSNBC joke yet?

Huck once actually recommended that Trump ignore a judge's order to halt the travel ban by citing Andrew Jackson's (probably apocryphal) quote about a Supreme Court ruling he didn't like: "Let him enforce it." Because when you're the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE (I'm sure the fact that Hillary got more votes has no impact on

One reason I love that movie is that it manages to satirize political correctness without seeming like it was written by an asshole who's just upset he can't be an asshole without consequence.

I don't think he and his followers would just give up if people were more combative with them.

Maybe, but I think there may be a lot of people who only vaguely know who Alex is and assume he can't really be that bad who would benefit from a major platform for him to show just how vile he is.